Part one: Setting the context…


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Presentation transcript:

European agenda for culture – Progress towards shared goals Sylvain Pasqua Luxembourg, 20 May 2010

Part one: Setting the context… …the European Agenda for Culture

A new political ambition Three sets of shared objectives Promote cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue Promote culture as a catalyst for creativity and innovation Promote the international dimension of culture … The key to success: a convergence of the efforts of all stakeholders at all levels

New working methods With Member States With the Cultural Sector Through a three year work plan 2008-2010 Priorities, including statistics Setting up of four OMC groups With the Cultural Sector Setting up of three platforms Within the Commission Mainstreaming of culture in other policies

Part two: …the achievements so far

Objective 1: Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue European Year of Intercultural Dialogue in 2008 (Policy Debate + Awareness raising) Recommendations of Civil Society Platform (2008) Council Conclusions on intercultural competences (2008) Council Conclusions on the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in external relations (2008) Ongoing priority of the Culture Programme (2007-2013) Mobility of collections Recommendations of OMC group (June 2010)

Objective 1(cont.) Mobility of artists and culture professionals Ongoing priority of the Culture Programme Pilot project of the Culture Programme Recommendations of OMC group (June 2010) Education and culture Council Conclusions on a Creative Generation (2009) Access to culture Europeana European Heritage Label But also Multilingualism, Media Literacy

Objective 2: Creativity and Innovation European Year of Creativity and Innovation in 2009 Policy Debate + Awareness raising Cultural and Creative industries Recommendations of platform (2009) + OMC group (2010) Studies (impact of culture on creativity, entrepreneurship) Council Conclusions on culture as a catalyst of creativity and innovation (2009) A Green Paper on CCIs launching a consultation (Apr-Jul 2010) Local and regional development Ongoing study Recommendations of an OMC group (2010) Council Conclusions on the contribution of culture to regional and local development (May 2010)

Objective 3: International Dimension (UNESCO Convention) Neighbourhood countries Culture Programme - and beyond… Eastern Partnership and Euromed Strategy Developing countries Trade relations Bilateral partnerships with BRIC

… the next milestones at EU level Until end July 2010: Public Consultation on cultural and creative industries July 2010: Communication on the implementation of the Agenda End 2010: A new work plan with MS 2010/2011: Reflexion work on the next generation of EU funding programmes Third Cultural Forum

In a nutshell… A stronger recognition of the role of culture A lot of achievements in many areas … But more work is needed to transform this increased recognition in instruments and policy initiatives at all levels of governance, in particular EU level. …To steer our efforts, we also need statistical evidence…

What are our statistical needs? In line with our policy developments. To know more about: Mobility of artists and professionals Level of cultural diversity Level of intercultural dialogue Economic performance of cultural and creative industries Flows of cultural exchanges (worldwide) Access to culture (participation, etc.) Culture and regional development

Thank you for your attention ! Sylvain Pasqua, DG Education and Culture, Unit Culture, e-mail: Internet Website: http//