“A Model for Manhood” Philippians 2:19-30 02/15/2009 Dr. Dane Boyles
“A Model for Manhood” There are four different types of false images of men listed in Weldon Hardenbrook’s Missing From Action: Vanishing Manhood in America.
“A Model for Manhood” Macho Maniac – Dirty Harry, Rambo type. Great Pretender – The Archie Bunkers of the world.
“A Model for Manhood” World Class Wimp – The Dagwood Bumsteads of life. Gender Blenders – The Michael Jacksons & Boy Georges of life.
“A Model for Manhood” What is the other option? - God’s Model for Manhood Being a male is a matter of your birth, but being a man is a matter of choice. Paul gives us two examples of manhood: Timothy and Epaphroditus.
“A Model for Manhood” 20 I have no one else like Timothy. (Phil 2:20) 29 Hold men like him in highest honor. (Phil 2:29)
“A Model for Manhood” A man’s greatness is not determined by the value of his wealth but by the wealth of his values.
“A Model for Manhood” WHAT KIND OF MAN IS GOD LOOKING FOR – FIVE VALUES COMPASSION God is looking for men who put people before profits.
“A Model for Manhood” 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. (1 Cor. 13:3)
“A Model for Manhood” Compassion is protecting the needs and rights of people. 20 I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. (Phil. 2:20)
“A Model for Manhood” 21 For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. (Phil 2:21) A good example of this is the Good Samaritan in Luke.
“A Model for Manhood” 2. CONSISTENCY God is looking for men who put character before conformity. They’re not afraid to be different from the culture around them and to stand alone.
“A Model for Manhood” 22 Timothy has proved himself. He has served with me in the work of the gospel. (Phil 2:22) “Prove” means tested character – integrity.
“A Model for Manhood” Not cave in to pressure. What are you willing to stand for in life? The bottom line for manhood is integrity.
“A Model for Manhood” 7 It is a wonderful heritage to have an honest father. (Proverbs 20:7) One more thing: inconsistent men produce insecure children.
“A Model for Manhood” 3. COOPERATION God is looking for men who put cooperation before competition. 25 I think it is necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier. (Phil. 2:25)
“A Model for Manhood” He describes the cooperation with three relationships – brother, worker, soldier. It is a family. It is a fellowship. It is a fight.
“A Model for Manhood” 11 So all the men of Israel got together and united as one man against the city. (Judges 20:11)
“A Model for Manhood” 4. COMMITMENT God is looking for men who put the cause of Christ before comfort. 30 He is your messenger, whom you sent to take care of my needs. He was ill, and almost died, But God had mercy on him. (Phil. 2:30)
“A Model for Manhood” But Epaphroditus was persistent in spite of his pain. Ministry always costs! God uses men of action who take the initiative.
“A Model for Manhood” 12 the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. (Matt. 11:12) Spiritual awakenings occur when men in a church become participators, not just spectators.
“A Model for Manhood” 5. COURAGE God is looking for men who will put service before security. Today’s value systems say do everything you can to provide security for yourself.
“A Model for Manhood” Security becomes the goal of life rather than service. 29 Welcome him in the Lord with great joy and honor men like him, (Phil. 2:29)
“A Model for Manhood” 30 because he almost died for the work of Christ, risking his life to make up for the help you could not give me. (Phil. 2:30) “Risking” in the Greek, literally means “hazarding one’s life.”
“A Model for Manhood” It is tragic that Paul says of Timothy, I have nobody else like him. 35 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. (Mark 8:35)
“A Model for Manhood” Conclusion Timothy and Epaphroditus are just ordinary guys, not super stars. Will our lives make any difference? They will if we put:
“A Model for Manhood” people before profits… character before conformity... cooperation before competition… the cause of Christ before comfort… service before security.
“A Model for Manhood” Philippians 2:19-30 02/15/2009 Dr. Dane Boyles