Don’t hate on your audience. Rogerian Argument Don’t hate on your audience.
Rogerian Argument Seeks to establish trust and find COMMON GROUND. Assume that audience &/or opposition is made up of REASONABLE people. This is, unfortunately, not always true. Therefore, Rogerian argument is not always the best approach. Seeks to UNDERSTAND the point of view of those with whom they disagree To start a DIALOGUE or DISCOURSE BOTH/AND instead of EITHER/OR WIN/WIN instead of WIN/LOSE
How to use Rogerian Argument Here is an example of what a Rogerian argument might look like: Intro – sets context Summary of Opposing Views* Statement of Understanding* Statement of Contexts Statement of Benefits Important parts/pose a solution – here is where you “concede” something to the opposing side and acknowledge that others who think differently from you are also intelligent, reasonable people.
Things that happen in a Rogerian Argument Speaker/writer shows (sympathetic) understanding to the opposition. Speaker/writer demonstrates that those who disagree with them are still reasonable, intelligent people of good will (not fools and idiots). Speaker/writer is non-confrontational, even friendly (not “my way or the highway”).
Phases of Rogerian Phase One: Present the issue and suggest why it’s important; explain or summarize the opponent’s/other perspectives on this particular issue in NEUTRAL language Phase Two: Acknowledge any valid aspects of your opponent’s argument as well as drawbacks in NON-CONFRONTATIONAL language Suggest common ground that you share
Phases of Rogerian Phase Three: Present a solution; show how both parties will have to concede as well as how both parties will benefit; emphasize the common ground where both could agree Writer creates cooperation, the possibility that both sides might change, and a mutually advantageous outcome.
To Review… State the problem or issue. Give the both sides of issue. Grant some validity to parts of it. Recognize circumstances where it could be acceptable. State YOUR position, support it, and tell why the opposition will be IMPROVED by embracing your views. Why will the world be a better place for this?
Rogerian Draft Assignment Topic: NHS case study on class page Present both sides of the argument in non-confrontational language and then propose a solution. Submit your draft to Turnitin by 6am