Welcome to Jeopardy!
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Directions: This is a great review for chapter 9 test which is Friday, January 12th. Please do not save the program after you completed playing. Enjoy!
Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2 Group 2 Group 1 Group 3
Gotcha Can you believe Whatever Info to know Stuff Would you know Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
How slavery and cotton growing were closely linked. $100 How slavery and cotton growing were closely linked.
Cotton growing required a great deal of labor. $100 Cotton growing required a great deal of labor. Scores
$200 This name is not in the textbook but Ms. Clay told you that the “Father” of the steam engine is this man.
$200 James Watt Scores
$300 Denying some students access to public schools because of race is an example of this.
$300 Discrimination Scores
$400 Why most Irish immigrants were generally met with more hostility than some other immigrants.
They were often members of the Roman Catholic Church $400 They were often members of the Roman Catholic Church Scores
$500 The year it became illegal to import enslaved Africans to the United States.
1808 $500 Scores
$100 People who replied “I know nothing” when asked about their group were called this.
$100 Know Nothings Scores
Primary purpose of the slave codes $200 Primary purpose of the slave codes
To control every aspect of an enslaved person’s life $200 To control every aspect of an enslaved person’s life Scores
Invented “interchangeable parts” $300 Invented “interchangeable parts”
$300 Eli Whitney Scores
Daily Double
Which occurred first: $400 Passage of Missouri Compromise Nat Turner’s revolt Invention of the telegraph Completion of the National Road :
Passage of the Missouri Compromise. $400 Passage of the Missouri Compromise. Scores
$500 The demand for this cause production to grew very quickly, so that is was ten time higher in 1820
$500 Cotton Scores
$100 Number of free states and slave states after the passage of the Missouri Compromise.
$100 11 free and 11 slave Scores
Most workers a Lowell, Massachusetts were mostly this. $200 Most workers a Lowell, Massachusetts were mostly this.
$200 Women Scores
$300 Invention of the clipper ship was an improvement on previous ships because it could do this.
$300 Travel faster Scores
$400 His ability to build a steam-powered textile mill from memory marked the beginning of the American industrialization.
$400 Samuel Slater Scores
$500 Their country had a failed revolution against harsh rules caused these people to immigrate to the United States.
$500 Germans Scores
$100 A free African American who made a valuable contribution to southern life when he invented a more efficient method of refining sugar.
$100 Norbert Rillieux Scores
$200 A major advantage of railroads compared to other kinds of transportation..
They could be built almost anywhere. $200 They could be built almost anywhere. Scores
$300 The Louisiana Territory north of the southern border of Missouri would be free if slavery is part of this.
$300 Missouri Compromise Scores
$400 “American belongs only to white Protestants born in the United States” would be something this group would likely express.
$400 Nativists Scores
He invented the steamboat. $500 He invented the steamboat.
$500 Robert Fulton Scores
$100 This allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter the Union as a free state.
The Missouri Compromise $100 The Missouri Compromise . Scores
This enabled western farmers to ship goods to New York City. $200 This enabled western farmers to ship goods to New York City.
$200 Erie Canal Scores
$300 This new mode of transportation would cause the canal investors to lose money
$300 Railroads Scores
$400 Of the states listed below, this state is not a cotton production state: Tennessee Mississippi Vermont Alabama Louisiana
$400 Vermont Scores
$500 This helped to link many towns with cities and factories and opened new markets for the northern economy.
$500 railroads Scores
$100 Famine in foreign countries, cheap land in the United States and Revolution in foreign countries are reason for this.
$100 Immigration Scores
A waterway dug by people $200 A waterway dug by people
$200 Canal Scores
He proposed the Missouri Compromise. $300 He proposed the Missouri Compromise.
$300 Henry Clay Scores
He opened a textile mill that combined spinning and weaving. $400 He opened a textile mill that combined spinning and weaving.
$400 Francis Cabot Lowell Scores
A group that wanted laws to limit immigration. $500 A group that wanted laws to limit immigration.
$500 Nativists Scores
Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Who? Subject 5 Subject 6 Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
Final Double
This invention made it easier for farmers and settlers to settle on prairies of the Midwest.
Mechanical Reaper invented By Cyrus McCormick Scores