UNIVERSITY OF SWAZILAND Consultancy & Training Centre (CTC)
Consultancy & Training Centre (CTC) CTC is aimed at satisfying the consultancy, contract research and training needs of Swazi companies and organizations in a practice oriented way. Its core activity is knowledge transfer, dealing with all aspects of society to serve the Swaziland society and beyond, given UNISWA’s accumulated knowledge and expertise. Consultancy & Training Centre (CTC)
Empowering student research on agriculture productivity Find & support relevant study topics by students to research on agriculture productivity. Award 2 graduate & postgraduate students to carry out research. Faculties to identify & supervise students. Disseminate research findings to stakeholders. Upload findings on websites for easy access Design a short course on agriculture productivity by relevant Faculties. CTC to market & coordinate the course at the University. Charge minimal fees to interested stakeholders to sustain the project & partnership with FANRPAN. Handout certificates. Share best practices & lessons learnt. Empowering student research on agriculture productivity