SD Goal #2: Access, Create, Share and Collaborate 1:X was created in response to the Strategic Design
Its not about any particular device; its about changes in instruction Equitable access for every child 21 st Century Skills of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Every classroom will have at least 2 Macbook Airs to supplement the creativity/productivity of Goal #2.
Option 1: $40 Annual Fee for Replacement Benefit Program Option 2: $50 Deposit Fee
Option 1: $40 Annual Fee for Replacement Benefit Program Option 2: $50 Deposit Fee
The goal of LISD is to provide every child with a safe and protected environment with: New top tier filtering system Filtering through proxy at school and at home
Resources and tutorials Open conversations with your child starting now Your rules and expectations
Create Skyward Account Create iTunes account Your rules and expectations