Historical Skills,Prehistory, & Geography of Texas Native Texans, Geography & Primary v. Secondary Sources
Primary v. Secondary Sources Primary Sources- An individuals account of a situation or an event when it happened. For example- In a fight, the combatants and witnesses would create primary sources. Secondary Sources- An individuals account of a situation or an event after it happened. For example- In a fight, A principle or a police officer would create secondary sources.
Four Regions of Texas- Mountain and Basins Features: Towering Peaks, Rocky Canyons, Dry Soil Natural Resources: Oil Crops: This region is driest in Texas. Little vegetation grows here except for various types of cacti, mesquite and desert National Park: Big Bend National Park Cities: El Paso (The only Major City in Texas in a different Time Zone) Credit: Duncanville ISD
Four Regions of Texas- Great Plains Features: The Great Plains to the north are known as the Texas Panhandle. This is where the The Palo Duro Canyon is located. The Palo Duro Canyon is the second largest canyon in the US. It is 100 miles long and 6 miles wide. Industry: Oil and Gas production & Cattle Ranching Crops: wine grapes are grown here. Animals: Cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, turkeys, dairy cows Cities: Midland & Odessa Credit: Duncanville ISD
Four Regions of Texas- North Central Plains Features: The Grand Plains, The Cross Timbers, and The Rolling Plains. Natural Resources: Oil, Limestone, Sand, Gravel, Grass, and Clay. Crops: Cotton, Corn, and other Grains. Animals: Cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, turkeys, dairy cows Cities: Dallas & Fort Worth Credit: Duncanville ISD
Four Regions of Texas- Coastal Plains Natural Resources: Petroleum, natural gas, rich soils, wetlands and seafood. Crops: Wheat, Cotton, Sorghum, Pine Trees Cities: Houston, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Galveston, Brownsville, & Austin This region of Texas is so large and diverse that it’s made up of 5 smaller Regions: 1. Piney Woods 2. Gulf Coastal Plains 3. South Texas Plains 4. Post Oak Belt 5. Blackland Prairie Credit: Duncanville ISD
Major Cities and Landforms in Texas Many features are not only in Texas but some also span across borders. The Piney Woods region (in the northern coastal plains) can also be found in Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma Caddo Lake-Only natural lake in Texas Rivers form a majority of Texas’ borders North-Red River Oklahoma and Texas South-Rio Grande Texas & Mexico East-Sabine River Louisiana/Arkansas & Texas Caddo Lake Major Cities Mountains and Basins El Paso Great Plains Midland /Odessa Lubbock North-Central Plains Dallas Fort Worth Waco Coastal Plains Houston Galveston Austin San Antonio Brownsville
Comanche Native Texans Lipan Apache Were warriors and hunters until the Comanche pushed them from their hunting lands. Shelters were semi-temporary and made from animal skins/brush. Farmers and raiders Great Plans/Mountains and Basins Comanche Were fierce warriors that pushed other tribes out of their hunting land. Shelters were temporary and made from animal skins. Hunters and warriors Great Plans
Coahuiltecans Karankawas Native Texans Coahuiltecans Were nomads who eventually settled in Spanish Missions (San Antonio) Shelters were made from mud, animal skins and brush. Hunters and gathers Coastal Plains Karankawas Were fishermen who used dugout canoes and nets/cane traps Shelters were semi- permanent Fishers and hunters Coastal Plains
Native Texans Wichitas Were hunters, farmers and traders that settled in semi- permanent villages. Shelters were made from brush and straw. Farmers, traiders and Hunters Coastal Plains Caddoes Were farmers and traders that settled in permanent villages. Shelters were made from wood. They built huge temples and earth mounds. Farmers and Traders Coastal Plains
Native Texans Jumanos Were farmers that settled in villages along rivers. Shelters were made from dried mud (bricks) or carved out of cliffs. Farmers in permanent settlements Mountains and Basins
What do all Native Texans have in common? All Nave Texans adapted to their environment!