What are the phases of learning? How might a learner’s needs change as they move through the phases of learning? Resilience Coaching
Introduction Cognitive Associative Autonomous The psychologists Fitts and Posner suggested that learners pass through three distinct stages as their skills develop Cognitive Associative Autonomous
Cognitive Phase Experienced by a beginner trying to understand what is required to perform a new movement May watch a demonstration and then try to replicate the skill with uncoordinated movements Short phase involving trial and error Performer relies heavily on external feedback and closed loop control Coach may use manual/mechanical guidance Closed Loop Control Terminal feedback (after activity) is used to help control the next movement Performance Feedback Refinement
Associative Phase Social comparison stage Comparing yourself to the perfect model (elite performer) Long periods of practice and the use of feedback to correct errors will be needed. Player begins to develop a mental picture of how skill should look… Parts of the skill are coded into sub-routines and ultimately a motor programme Trial and error may be used to fine-tune performance Feedback can now be internal- player has idea of perfect model Verbal and visual guidance more important from coach
Autonomous Phase Movements are perfected to the point of being automatic… Performer is able to concentrate on finer details of the skill Professional footballer can concentrate on the weight of a pass rather than how to carry out the movement Maximum efficiency in performance Motor programmes are firmly stored in long term memory Any type of feedback can be used Guidance tends to be verbal (saves time)