EUROSTAT Meeting, Luxembourg, 6/7 December, 2001 SURVEY SUMMARY 4 statistical offices 7 survey organisations 16 countries (EU + Switzerland) Methods employed: - 5 countries postal 8 countries telephone 1 country face-to-face 2 countries combined (postal/telephone) EUROSTAT Meeting, Luxembourg, 6/7 December, 2001
EUROSTAT Meeting, Luxembourg, 6/7 December, 2001 SURVEY SUMMARY Survey start: - 1 country in March 2001 1 country in May 2001 8 countries in June 2001 3 countries in July 2001 1 country in August 2001 3 countries in September 2001 Total preliminary response rate for Phase 1 = 66% Target: about 80.000 usable returns Already collected: about 35.000 usable returns EUROSTAT Meeting, Luxembourg, 6/7 December, 2001
EUROSTAT Meeting, Luxembourg, 6/7 December, 2001 GENERAL SUMMARY Day-to-day efforts to do a good survey job Main quality indicators: reactions from respondents, response rate and response quality Monitoring of key travel characteristics Harmonised data based on common concepts, definitions and understanding Methodological validations Integrated database containing long-distance mobility information on EU-inhabitants EUROSTAT Meeting, Luxembourg, 6/7 December, 2001