Ms. Ballard, Mrs. Ishman, Mrs. Weber and Mrs. Graf Feb. 27- Mar 3, 2017 Kindergarten Ms. Ballard, Mrs. Ishman, Mrs. Weber and Mrs. Graf Kindergarten News Specials: We will begin our study of the rainforest on March 6. The children will learn about the layers of the rainforest and some of the animals that live in each layer. We will turn our room into a rainforest with “trees” hanging from the ceiling, snakes, bromeliads, and vines. The children are invited to bring rainforest animals to hang from the ceiling like stuffed monkeys, birds, insects, snakes, or any rainforest animal we could borrow to add to our room! Please do not send in animals that your child uses at night to sleep with, as these animals will need to “sleep over” at school for a few weeks! Mon. Day 3: Phys.Ed., Art, Spanish Tues. Day 4: Strings, Music, Computer Wed. Day 5: Phys. Ed., Science Lab Thurs. Day 6: Music, Spanish, Library Fri. Day 7: Strings, Art Upcoming Events Reading A to Z or RAZ-Kids will begin this week! Read and listen to at least one book a week online with your child and do the quiz associated with that book by Wednesday of each week. The teachers can see your child’s account and will know which book has been read and will be able to see the quiz results. The class will receive a letter next week with login information and to see your child’s password symbol. Your child can build a robot with the points s/he has earned using the icon at the bottom of the page! A change from previous years is that K will have their own Author’s Day later in the year. Grades 1-4 have Author’s Day on March 3. February 28-March 3 – Scholastic Book Fair March 2 – K hosts Monthly Morning Meeting – Auditorium and Dr. Seuss’ Birthday! Mar. 25 to April 2 - Spring break April 3 – School Resumes April 10 - Parent/Teacher conferences To Remember The Scholastic Book Fair will be held this week( Feb 28 – March 3) in the Meeting Room. We will visit the book fair as a class on Tuesday and your student will make a list of some books they like. If you would like us to take your child to purchase any of the books on their list, please send the titles and money or you can visit the book fair together! Math We are counting to 100 by 1’s, 10’s, and 5’s and noticing patterns to help us write to 100. We are learning and practicing partner numbers for sums to 10… and beyond!
A big thanks to Pixel Paper Prints - http://www. etsy A big thanks to Pixel Paper Prints - and Sweet Shoppe Designs - for their beautiful artwork.