Please find the information pack with your child’s name on. Hello, and welcome. Mr J Marciniak Please find the information pack with your child’s name on.
Year 6 Overview English: both reading and writing Maths Science (Biology and Physics) RE History - Alternating Geography - Alternating Art- Alternating DT - Alternating Computing PE Music French PSHE
PE Every Monday and Thursday afternoon. Pease ensure your child has: White tshirt Black or navy shorts Dark socks Trainers Dark/navy tracksuits may be worn in winter
Homework Approximately 3 hours work each week. Reading (15 minutes each night) Mental Maths Spellings (10 – 15) each week Timestables Rockstars Written tasks (alternate weeks) Other curriculum tasks
SATs Week Monday 13th May – Thursday 16th May Monday 13th May: GPS Tuesday 14th May: GPS Wednesday 15th May: Maths 1 & 2 Thursday 16th May: Maths 3
Residential Conway Centre – Anglesey 3rd – 5th July 2019 Parents’ Evening: TBC Clothing! Residential