MSFD Marine Litter D10 – EMODNET Collaboration EMODNET Chemistry module annual meeting (videolink) Georg Hanke, Anna Addamo, EC JRC, 7.2.2018
MSFD update For MSFD general info please see JRC presentation from EMODNET chemistry module kick-off meeting (18.5.2017) MSFD ComDec 2017/848/EU has been adopted MSFD 2018 reporting is upcoming
EU Plastics Strategy (COM/2018/028 final) "European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy" Adopted on 16.1.2018 Part of Circular Economy Package Framework touching on multiple legislations (MSFD, WFD, Waste Framework Directive, etc., etc.) Production, recycling, SUP avoidance, etc. Requires information on plastic leakages to the environment Input from Top Litter item work (data collected through TG Marine Litter, JRC analysis) Confirmed need for access to consolidated and complete datasets!
Top Litter Items (input to Plastics Strategy) Analysis of 2016 beach litter dataset (Upcoming report Addamo et al.) 276 beaches of 17 EU Member States and 4 Regional Seas during 2016 Total of 355,671 items observed during 679 surveys
Technical Group on Marine Litter Confirmation of delegates (now 80) including Delegates from all EU coastal MS DG ENV, DG MARE, DG GROW OSPAR, HELCOM, MAP, BSC secretariate delegates New Wiki on-line exchange platform is operational Website:
Baselines for Beach Litter TG ML Baselines Workshop March 2017 Collected data from MS, Projects, NGOs, etc. Ca. 3800 surveys on 370 beaches Process of re-formatting, harmonizing, correcting Geographical coordinates Litter categories, etc.. (Upcoming report: Addamo, JRC) Close collaboration with EMODNET!
Update of Guidance for Monitoring of Marine Litter Guidance published end 2013 Improved harmonization (also through TG ML) Technical progress through research Analysis of shortcomings available TG Marine Litter annual meeting June 2017, Gdansk, Poland: Review of all methodologies is needed
Beach Litter Harmonized monitoring approach (visual 100 m surveys) Use of litter category list(s) Open issues, e.g.: Size ranges (lower, upper limits), size information Categories not comparable/use of joint categories Detailed metadata often missing Harmonised beach selection (beach metadata)
Seafloor Litter Available data from International Bottom Trawl Survey cruises (IBTS, MEDITS,…) Category lists to be reviewed (still differences between schemes) Important input from EMODNET analysis to guidance review! JRC/AWI workshop on the Monitoring of Seafloor Litter (provisional date: end May 2018) Scope: Identification of harmonization needs for new methodologies Providing data from areas beyond bottom-trawl surveys
Micro Litter (Micro Plastic) Method development is ongoing Multiple analytical options No QA/QC in place (but questionable data are around...) Close collaboration with JPI Ocean research projects started Rising attention from other sectors (food quality, water reuse, etc.) Micro litter data template existing (collaboration with TG ML) EMODNET Data collection will reveal gaps and shortcomings! Photo: Paula Sobral
Floating Litter Method development and testing is ongoing JRC Floating Litter App has been tested and applied Harmonization at international level (collaboration with UN, research projects, 6IMDC session, etc.) Camera/image recognition system in development Data are stored locally (RIMMEL project, Medsealitter, etc.)
Outlook Joint data repository will drive data quality and comparability Data availability will provide information for policy use Need to always well define scope of maps and data products Need to include non-EU data in shared seas Need to still increase collaboration between all stakeholders Focus on „data of tomorrow“
Contaminants MSFD D8+D9 Publication of report „Potential marine contaminants“ 2700 substances, reference list for improved communication Collection of substances considered by MS through MSFD Expert Network on Contaminants for MSFD reporting (ca. 400) EMODNET as data repository and driver for data quality and comparability Complex challenge of mapping contaminant data (hundred of substances, multiple matrix, metadata influence, etc.) Definition of scope is essential! Open for discussions!
Thanks for your attention!