List and Identify the different types of businesses Eagle Challenge Learning Target List and Identify the different types of businesses
What is business? All of the activities involved in producing and marketing goods and services.
Types of Businesses Size and Scope Large vs. Small – size – small businesses have less than 100 employees, large more. Domestic vs. Global – domestic market is a single country, global is among nations.
Types of Businesses Purpose Profit (Microsoft, McDonald’s) vs. Nonprofit (YMCA, Boys/Girls Clubs of America) Public (government services) vs. Private Public organizations provide a non-profit service or are associated with the government.
The Functions of Business Regardless of the type of business, there are four main function involved in an organization’s operation
The Functions of Business Production – the process of creating, growing, manufacturing, or improving goods and services. Procurement – involves buying and reselling goods that have already been produced.
The Functions of Business Marketing – all activities from the time a product leaves the producer or manufacturer until it reaches the final consumer.
The Functions of Business Management – the process of achieving company goals by effective use of resources through planning, organizing, and controlling
The Functions of Business Finance and Accounting Finance involves money management Accounting keeps track of a company’s financial situation
Identify the roles government plays in our free enterprise system Learning Target Identify the roles government plays in our free enterprise system
Legal and Ethical Issues
Government and Laws What You’ll Learn The roles government plays in our free enterprise system Identify federal regulatory agencies and laws that protect consumers, workers, investors, and the environment About the impact of government on business
The Role of Government Provider of Services – military, police, fire, education, transportation, etc. Department of Homeland Security Disaster recovery
The Role of Government As a founder of public libraries, the government is acting as a provider of services.
The Role of Government – Regulator -- laws to protect safety, health, and welfare of individuals
Protecting Consumers Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulates the labeling and safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Responsible for overseeing the safety of products such as toys, electronics, and household furniture.
Protecting Workers Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Responsible for the fair and equitable treatment of employees with regard to hiring, firing and promotions. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Provides guidelines for workplace safety and enforces those regulations.
Protecting Investors Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Regulates the sale of securities (stocks and bonds). Is responsible for licensing brokerage firms and financial advisors.
Protecting the Environment Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Protects human health and our environment Monitors and reduces air and water pollution Oversees hazardous waste disposal and recycling
Enforcer of the Free Enterprise System Federal Trade Commission (FTC) – has the responsibility of enforcing the principles of a free enterprise system and protecting consumers from unfair or deceptive business practices. Bureau of Consumer Protection Bureau of Competition Bureau of Economics
The Role of Government Monitor of Our Economy To ensure economic stability Government monitors our economy and controls our monetary supply through the Federal Reserve System (our nation’s bank)
The Role of Government Supporter of Businesses – SBA, trade alliances Click on the SBA logo above to visit their web site to learn about some of their services.
Name the 7 Functions Name the 5 Utilities What is the Marketing Mix? What are the 3 different Global Marketing Strategies? What is the difference between for-profit and non-profit? What are the 3 different market segments? What is Market Share? How do you calculate the market share? What agencies protect workers? Price Gouging Whistleblowing What are the 2 different types of competition? What is monopoly? What can be a monopoly? Protect Intellectual Property: copyright, patent and trademark Domestic vs Global