State Innovative Transportation Councils AID Demonstration Program Every Day Counts EDC-2 (2013-2014) EDC-3 (2015-2016) State Innovative Transportation Councils STIC Incentive Program AID Demonstration Program EDC-2 We are now a little over half-way through the EDC-2 cycle and are on track to meet our implementation goals for nearly all of the innovations promoted. Every State DOT has utilized two or more of the innovations being promoted under EDC. Several innovations are exceeding expectations for level of implementation: 3D Engineered Models for Construction, Intelligent Compaction, High Friction Surface Treatments, Intersection and Interchange Geometrics, Slide-In Bridge Construction, GRS-IBS, Programmatic Agreements, and SHRP 2 Traffic Incident Management Responder Training. We will provide a comprehensive report at the end of the year with specifics on the level of implementation and impacts of EDC-2. EDC-3 Over 100 unique ideas/suggestions for EDC-3 innovations were received from our solicitation of the highway community in January and February. FHWA evaluated the ideas considering urgency, market readiness, national impact, etc. and developed a short-list of innovations for further consideration. Comprehensive summaries of the short-listed innovations and descriptions of all the ideas submitted were shared with AASHTO and other industry groups (e.g., AGC, ARTBA, ACEC, NACE, APWA, AMPO, ASCE, etc.) for feedback and input. 11 technologies were selected. Similar to EDC-1 and EDC-2, regional summits will be held this fall (October through December) to further discuss the innovations and begin to establish performance goals for the two-year EDC-3 cycle in 2015-2016. State Transportation Innovation Councils (STICs) The STIC concept is about establishing a group of representatives from various levels of the highway community in each State to comprehensively and strategically consider all sources of innovation. The STIC model puts the State in the driver’s seat to select the innovations that best fit the State’s unique needs and approaches and then get those innovations into practice quickly. With a STIC or equivalent forum being established in each State, we are building a national network to exchange best practices, technologies, and innovations and get them into widespread use across the nation. Approximately 36 States have formal, functioning STICs. We have a goal of 40 States by the end of the calendar year and we are confident that the goal will be achieved. STIC Incentive Program The STIC Incentive Program, launched in September 2013, offers technical assistance and funds—up to $100,000 per STIC per year—to support the costs of activities that will have a statewide impact on making an innovation standard practice. Example activities may include developing standards and specifications, preparing SOPs or technical guidance, developing/delivering training, etc. To date, $1,540,000 has been allocated to 16 States under the STIC Incentive Program: NH, MO, AR, PA, MI, AZ, VT, OH, MA, NC, MN, WY, RI, OK, UT, and KS. Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Demonstration Program The AID Demonstration Program was announced in the Federal Register in February and provides incentive funding to offset risk of using an innovation on a project. Projects in any aspect of highway transportation that are eligible for assistance under Title 23 (e.g., planning, financing, design, environment, construction, operations) can be submitted to apply for demonstration funding. The funding award is for the full cost of the innovation on a project, up to $1 million. Projects must be ready to initiate (obligate) within 6 months. Applications through using an open, rolling solicitation process with awards on a first submitted basis. Approximately $15 million per year is available for award. Approximately 39 applications are currently under review and the first awards should be announced soon. Conclusion Thanks for your leadership and commitment to advancing innovation within your States - whether from EDC, SHRP2, the AASHTO Technology Implementation Group (TIG), and/or your State research programs. I certainly hope you take advantage the technical assistance and funding resources available from FHWA to assist with accelerating innovation in your State. Please visit (On slide) for additional information on any of the programs I have highlighted. Also, please contact your Division Office or our Center for Accelerating Innovation for any questions you may have or assistance you may need.