What does this symbol mean?
We understand that if you are an independent traveller, your parents may want you to have a phone in case you need to contact them.
But if you need to contact home during the school day, you can speak to your Head of School and they will organise this for you.
In school: Once you arrive in school until when you leave school premises at the end of the day your mobile phone must not be seen or used. This includes break and lunch.
Mobile phones can be useful Mobile phones can be useful . But in school, they can distract you and get you into trouble.
If you have your phone out during the school day it will be confiscated. This means that it will be given to your Head of School,to keep safely and you will have to collect it at the end of the day. If you continue to break the rule, then it will be confiscated and parents will be asked to come into school to collect it.
The best thing to do would be to leave your mobile phone at home where it is safe but if you do need to bring it into school then it needs to be locked away safely with your form tutor or Head of School. This will avoid you getting into trouble and also mean your phone is safe.
REMEMBER: In school: Once you arrive in school, until when you leave school premises at the end of the day your mobile phone must not be seen or used. This includes break and lunch. If you break the school rule, your phone will be taken off you until the end of the day.
Leaving and entering school Remember when you enter school through the front of the building , you must use the pedestrian gate. Some students and some parents are entering through the car gates. This must not happen. The gates do not have a sensor for humans. You could get hurt. You should always use the pedestrian gate. Be patient and wait for the pedestrian gate to open!