Bibles and Burgers WELCOME!!!
What is Bibles and Burgers about? Eating some burgers as brothers in the Lord. Spending some time in the word of God.
Why is this important to do? Approximately 40% of CHRISTIAN marriages end in divorce 30% of children in America have no consistent contact with their fathers. 70% of all suicides in America are committed by men. By gathering together as brothers, we will support each other and look to God’s word for guidance and strength.
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The identity crisis of men in America today. Sometimes it is hard to remember our true identity in Christ
Gideon had an identity crisis Judges Chapter 6:
Gideon’s identity How did Gideon see himself? .Weak Coward Least in his family Overpowered by his enemies Doubter Forsaken Fearful .
Gideon’s Identity How did God see Gideon? .Strong Powerful Chosen Important Mighty Warrior Sent by God Humble .
Gideon working under GOD’S identity…. Judges 7:24-25