Drilling Theme of fire
The Weather The theme of weather plays an important part throughout the whole book It shows symbolism and foreshadowing The weather is often unpredictable and harsh in Kinraddie, which shows a similarity between the weather and fire
Quotes “the best of weather for harvest… so still was the air”- pg 68 The still air is like silence before the storm, everything has gone still before things begin to happen These things could be John Guthrie’s accident or Will’s unexpected departure “the mists cleared up… it came on real blistering weather of heat” – pg 69 The clearing of the mist could represent truth or dawning realisation, Chris’ changing perspectives on life and her growing up
Burning of the Whins Whins are a type of plant In Scotland the whins were burnt every year to stop them from clogging up the fields for the crops Other farmers across Kinraddie are burning their whin, Chris and Will burn it for their farm
Quotes “Else old Guthrie will be casting me out of Blawerie for bringing his grey hairs in sorrow to the grave….he said that sneering- like, mocking at father..” –pg 79 Will is making fun of his father, showing contempt towards John Guthrie His hatred for his father is like a fire within him “half you thought those questing tongues alive and malignant as they lapped through the grass” –pg 79 Personifies the fire, giving it a cruel nature
Peesie’s Knapp Chae Strachan lives at Peesie’s Knapp with his family The Knapp catches fire during the night, most likely because of their hearth fire getting out of control.
Quotes “Chae’d have slept himself out of this world and into hell in his own firewood if John Guthrie hadn’t roused him then” –pg 88 John Guthrie saved the Strachins as Chae would have slept through the fire Demonstrates Johns courage and strength of character “Only the snarling of the fire eating the wooden couplings, the rattling of falling slates through the old charred beams…a scream that was awful” –pg 89 Creates a hellish scene of destruction Could foreshadow the hell of WWI
Lust Drilling mentions feelings of lust several times Most of these are between Chris and Ewan as they meet and get to know each other better These feelings between the two could be described like a fire, as passion and lust are often likened to flames and have connotations of heat.
Quotes “had her in his arms, rough and strong, and kissed her … it was the first time a man had ever kissed her like that” –pg 91 Chris experiences feelings of lust for a man for the first time in her life “Chris saw his eyes queer and soft and shy… the neck of his shirt had fallen apart” –pg 100 Chris’ feelings towards Ewan continue to grow, as do his for her
Anger Anger is a prevalent theme in the novel John Guthrie is often angry, mainly towards Will but sometimes towards Chris too Will fully reciprocates these feelings towards John This anger links to the theme of fire throughout Drilling as the anger is bright and hot, just like fire
Quotes “Will getting in a rage: and then suddenly the kitchen door banged and there was Will striding across the close” –pg 81-82 Will finds it increasingly hard to be in the same house as his father. “put out his hand and gave Chris a push that near through her down… and said Get into the house you white-faced bitch!” –pg 103-104 John’s temper is out of control, he takes his anger out on anyone nearby