Ms. Nguyen 7th grade math Lonestar Team
About Me Spring 2008 Born and raised in Houston, TX Raised by my parents and my 8 older siblings Fifth of my siblings to attend the University of Texas Loves to sing (I’ve already taught a song to teach the students how to add integers!) LOVES to teach!
Contact Information E-mail: Phone: 512-841-3912 Website:
Website Goodies Copies of handouts Copies of notes Copies of homework/worksheets Lists of what we did in class that day Important papers/forms (e.g., course outline, STAAR charts, etc.)
Grading Policy 40% - daily work and homework. The Assignment Board shows how much work they’ve already done in the first 2 ½ weeks of school! 60% - assessments (quizzes). Students already have one coming up Thursday/Friday. It is IMPERATIVE students study for their quizzes.
Retake Policy Students must have proof* they studied in ordered to be eligible for a retake. I will NOT allow students to retake a quiz they did NOT study for. *Proof: - C-Notes “Step 2” - Study Guide
How to study C-Notes? Step 1: The student will take AMAZING notes in class! (If the student is absent, or lost their notes, they can still download and print them from the website!)
How to study C-Notes? Step 2: In order to help retention, the student will answer the C-Note “questions” on a new blank sheet of paper.
How to study C-Notes? When the student is finished with Step 2, they should have a 2nd copy of their notes in the “answer” column. This is a great way to help students study and review what they learned that day or the previous day!
Tutorial Times Mondays & Wednesdays 3:35 – 4:15 after school If students cannot make it at these times, I am always willing to work with the student to find additional times that will work for the both of us.
Thank you for coming! Be sure to e-mail about individual student questions & concerns Have a great night!