Unit Three Vocabulary Week Three
bode (verb) foreshadow My inability to sleep does not bode well for my performance on the test. .
burnish (verb) polish After I burnish the silver, I will set the table.
coerce (verb) compel by force or duress Jim tried to coerce me to do his homework.
esoteric (adjective) confidential meant to be known by just a few The reason a cat has no thumbs is simply esoteric.
gauntlet (noun) a heavy glove The knight threw down his gauntlet.
mete (verb) give In the courtroom, it is the judge’s duty to mete out justice.
misnomer (noun) wrong name It would be a misnomer to call Jim a fighter. He’s a lover.
mottled (adjective) blotched/speckled My cat’s fur is mottled.
Terra Firma (noun) solid ground After being at sea for two weeks, it was good to be back on terra firma.
Vantage point (noun) advantageous position