The Wright Brothers By Karitza
Introduction Wilbur and Orville Wright were important inventors. They had an interesting childhood. They had a lot of jobs. They ended up making a great invention.
Childhood Wilbur and Orville had an interesting childhood. Wilbur was born on April 16,1867 in Millville, Indiana and Orville was born on August 19, 1871 in Dayton, OH. Wilbur and Orville had two older brothers and a younger sister. They learned from their Mother how to use tools and how to fix things. They learned to cook and sew, too. When Orville was 8 years old he was a prankster and his head was bubble with many ideas. When Wilbur was 12 years old he was an excellent athlete and student. Their father gave them a model of a helicopter and then a few days later, they made better helicopter models. Orville got in trouble a lot. He even got expelled from school. When it was winter, Wilbur was walking across the street until he got struck in the face by a hockey stick and lost his front teeth. A few years later their mom became ill with tuberculosis and died in 1889.
Jobs Wilbur and Orville had their own jobs. When Wilbur and Orville were teenagers, they opened their own printing shop. They made newspapers. Wilbur was the editor. A few years later, they started getting bored with the idea so they started their own bicycle shop. They helped people for fixing their bicycles. When they ride any bicycle and it breaks, they fix it.
Accomplishments Wilbur and Orville had many accomplishments. When Wilbur and Orville stopped the bicycle shop, they invented the first airplane on December 17, 1903. After they invented the plane, they took it to Kitty Hawk. They tested the plane, Wilbur went first, the plane stayed in the air for twelve seconds! They kept taking turns until it was Orville’s turn. He flew the plane until it crashed. He got off of the plane fine. Orville had an a idea of making an engine and the fin should have wire so they could control it and it worked.
The Death of the Wright Brothers On 1912, Wilbur and Orville went on a trip to Boston. During the trip, Wilbur got ill. A few days later, Wilbur died on May 30, 1912 at the age of 45. After Wilbur’s death, Orville stopped inventing. When Orville was at his house, Orville died after his second heart attack on January 30, 1948 at the age of 76.
Conclusion Wilbur and Orville were heroes. They worked hard to help people travel in air. They changed the way we travel. We should be really proud.
Sources The Wright Brothers By Ginger Wadsworth and