Managing References and Citations with EndNote Presentation last updated February 2019 When you leave, you’ll have practiced with EndNote and know how to start using it in your research.
Today’s Presentation: Reference management EndNote options Getting started Account Creation Web Desktop Cite While You Write (CWYW) Organizing your references Today we’ll cover: Why a reference manager is an essential tool for a systematic review Options for using EndNote How to get started with the different aspects of EndNote Before we get started – how many of you have: Used a reference manager before? Used EndNote before? Online? Desktop? Have an EndNote account?
Role of Reference Managers in Research SAVE TIME! Automatic formatting Keep track of references you have found Organization capabilities Direct import from databases Collaborate and share with your colleagues There are a few options out there for reference formatting & these are the main benefits – today we will be discussing the features of EN Direct import from many databases of hundreds of references at once Organize with the use of groups, group sets, and libraries Built-in deduplication with EndNote (and others) Different collaboration capabilities
EndNote Choices: Online (Basic) Desktop (Full) Both: Free Organization: One library Groups Collaboration: Shared groups Less customization 2 GB storage PDFs attached only $$$ Organization: Numerous libraries Group sets & groups Collaboration: Shared library and groups Lots of customization Your computer’s storage PDF search and notes Drag & Drop PDF reference import Integration of Web of Science Word Plug-in (CWYW) Web Capture tool Here’s a comparison between the online version and the desktop version: Cost for full version about $100 to $250 currently for downloaded versions (depending on whether you have a license already) Organization much better for full version – infinite options! More collaboration, customization, storage and PDF capabilities… Both have WoS integration, CWYW, and a web capture tool All in all, the basic online version has less features compared to the full version, but not everyone will need the full version. For a systematic review, I would highly recommend the full version for its organization capability and ease in removing duplicates (especially if you plan to have an academic career). (Current version is EndNote X9)
Getting Started: EndNote Account On-Campus: Off-Campus: LibGuide on EndNote: Make sure you follow the directions for on/off campus since UMD has a subscription: click on each picture for the correct link to start (for off campus, follow the instructions in the LibGuide).
Getting Started: EndNote Online Demo basic menus/features including: import/export and organization Terms of note: Field: one piece of information in a reference Group: primary organization for references Filed/Un-filed: EndNote sorts references you have sorted/organized or not Collect: where you go to add references
Getting Started: Hands On with EndNote Create a group: Organize (manage my groups) New group Importing: Collect (online search) Pick a database perform a search import references into a new group Exporting: Format Export references Select a group (or whole library) Pick a style (such as BibTeX) Let’s pause and let you get registered (or find your password) for an EndNote account (included as part of UMD affiliation). If you are having problems, we’ll help you or direct you to EndNote’s technical support (tech support likely required if you have an EndNote account form another university).
Getting Started: EndNote Desktop Demo: features, import/export, etc. 30 day free trial – highly recommend for those of you that plan to publish often Tip: drag and drop PDFs into EndNote and if there is an identifier, EndNote will find the reference information for you. Another tip: use the notes fields to summarize your notes about a reference
Getting Started: EndNote Desktop Also includes PDF viewer/editor
Getting Started: CWYW – Cite While You Write How EN works with MS Word – once you install the add-on for word, this is an example of what you’ll see (mac version)
Organization – Reducing Duplicates Change display fields shown for visual screening, including: Author, year, title, secondary title, volume, issue, and pages Sort by different display fields Know your databases! MEDLINE on OvidSP: abbreviated page numbers, full journal titles PubMed: abbreviated page numbers, abbreviated journal titles For more guidance and directions see: Bramer, W. M., Giustini, D., de Jonge, G. B., Holland, L., & Bekhuis, T. (2016). De-duplication of database search results for systematic reviews in EndNote. Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA, 104(3), 240– 243. Important to pick relevant fields to help pick out duplicates Just click on fields to sort Databases will differ in what information they provide – be careful when hunting for duplicates!
Other Reference Organizers Keep in mind that EndNote is not your only option for reference management. Find what works for you! Try Zotero or Mendeley if EndNote does not work for you.
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