Joel Taylor and May Cassar End-User Workshops Influence of conservation experts on the scientific development of the sensors. Joel Taylor and May Cassar
Krakow Workshop 10 experts from across Europe Expertise in strategic and technical aspects of preventive conservation No experience, and therefore subjective focus, of project partners or sensor A facilitator was invited to focus discussion about strategy and sensors Questions prepared for discussion
Participants Astrid Brandt-Grau, France Monika Fjaested, Sweden Marta Jaro, Hungary Barry Knight, UK Paula Menino Homem, Portugal Dorte Poulsen, Denmark Sarah Staniforth, UK David Thickett, UK Jorgen Wadum, Netherlands Facilitator – Jonathan Ashley-Smith, UK
They wanted… To be able to read it themselves (visible change) Short and long-term exposure Cheap and reliable Unobtrusive Diagnostic element Definitions of acceptable change
Trondheim Workshop Astrid Brandt-Grau, France Vasco Fassina, Italy Marta Jaro, Hungary Rene Larsen, Denmark Paula Menino Homen, Portugal Sarah Staniforth, UK David Thickett, UK Marina van Bos, Belgium Jorgen Wadum, Holland Facilitator: Laura Drysdale, UK
Review of Developments Presentations on the sensor developments. Question and answer session with project team. Some nice food and time to reflect on the work presented.
Feedback Questions were responded to by the project team. A presentation was prepared based on the developments that they heard about. Questions were responded to by the project team.
They said… Project group have taken on board recommendations from end user group Presentation of field tests Correlation with other measurements (passive samplers, light/T/RH) Cost calculations Development of visible sensors They would like to see On-site assessment Exposure time (3 months) Differences between sensors