Meeting of the Working Group ‘Crime and Criminal Justice’ 9/10 June 2011 Draft conclusions
Regular data collections Avoid publishing data on total crime Rates to be published for selected crime types Any further proposals to be sent in written form to GT 2010 data collection Extension to: Regional information (NUTS2/3; 5 crime types; for 2006-2010) Data on suspects/offenders by age/sex; prisoners by nationality/residence) – Eurostat will first specify the request in detail with DG HOME 9/10 June 2011
New crime types Human Trafficking Money-laundering MS are encouraged to send data as soon as possible Working Paper to be issued in autumn – MS will be consulted Human Trafficking Positive feedback from the WG: collecting some data on human trafficking seems possible MS to send detailed written comments by end June 2011 9/10 June 2011
New crime types Other types (cybercrime, corruption…) The Working Group ask Eurostat to ensure a better coordination with the Expert Groups of DG HOME The Working Group is not in a position to commit to take on board this data collection work as long as the request is not precisely defined 9/10 June 2011
Joint activities with UNODC Joint data collection Agreement of the Working Group to start development work Scope: Eurostat current data collection Eurostat/UNODC to prepare a questionnaire to be sent to all countries Timing to be reviewed in the WG next year Classification of crime types Importance of this work for definitional work 9/10 June 2011
EU Safety Survey (SASU) The WG took note of the adoption by the Commission of the draft proposal 9/10 June 2011