Web Ex Presentation January 12, 2012 Fall MSC-IPAL Web Ex Presentation January 12, 2012
Agenda Crosswalk Updates FAQs Other Questions? Elementary codes Decisions of Instruction FAQs Other Questions?
Crosswalk Updates
Elementary Codes A decision has been made to allow elementary codes to be used in the MSC-IPAL report School divisions may report elementary classes by general homeroom assignment codes or SCED codes, or broken down by subject area SCED codes (there are no assignment codes for specific elementary courses) This change has been made to help divisions adjust to the reporting requirements of MSC-IPAL
Reading Codes
Social Studies Codes
Frequently Asked Questions
Administrator/PPSP Reporting How do I report administrators and pupil personnel service providers? Do they need a B Record? Yes, any individual included in the MSC (whether it be in the D Record or the G Record) needs to have a B Record The B Record gives us the demographic information on the individual; the other records give us the individual’s assignment within the school
Regional Programs Do the regional programs have the proper template to report to us? Yes, the Fall MSC-IPAL regional program template has been emailed out to all Governor’s schools and is available on the MSC website if your regional centers ask The major change to this template is the addition of the B Record
Special Education Teachers Teaching Content Courses We have a teacher of special education assigned to teach an English remediation elective course to special education students. The teacher is endorsed in special education, but not English. It is not a verified credit course. How do I code the Highly Qualified Code? What are the ramifications if it is a code of “N”?
IPAL Survey What is IPAL Survey and when is it used?
Special Education and HQ If we have a teacher of record and a collaborative teacher serving in the same room, is the collaborative teacher considered Highly Qualified?
Defined Class Type What do we use if the Defined Class Type that fits our class is not in the list?