The East Riding Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2016


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Presentation transcript:

The East Riding Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2016 Professional Development led by Sue Holmes RE Consultant supporting ER SACRE 07931 700851

Education … can be a powerful tool, equipping young people with the knowledge, skills and reflex to think for themselves, to challenge and to debate; and giving young people the opportunity to learn about different cultures and faiths and to gain an understanding of the values we share. Exploring ideas, developing a sense of identity and forming views are a normal part of growing up.

Prevent Strategy 3 objectives: Challenging the ideology that supports terrorism and those who promote it Protecting vulnerable people Supporting sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation

Religious Literacy  The knowledge of, and ability to understand, religion The importance of being religiously literate is increasing with globalisation and migration between societies of different faiths and cultures Religious Literacy involves learning from religion as well as about it

Why be religiously literate? Young people learn to engage with faith appropriately and explore it They realise its complexity & diversity by talking to people & experiencing religion They respect religious practices and the wisdom that religious thinkers can offer to world They develop a set of skills supporting an attitude of humility, respect and curiosity They have opportunity to reflect on why it matters to them personally, to their society, to the world and the future of humanity.

East Riding RE: Supplementary material on

The 2016 Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Our 2016 Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education is the result of a collaborative partnership between the Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education (SACREs) of the 4 local authorities that comprise the Humberside region, following similar joint RE syllabuses of 1999, 2005 and 2010.  Since their formation in 1996, the four local authorities (East Riding of Yorkshire, Hull, N Lincs and NE Lincs) have worked together in support of RE in local schools and are proud to continue this fruitful partnership in the life of their new Agreed Syllabus for 2016-2021.

Highlights Everything is online Statutory Areas of Understanding Statutory Key Content Statutory End of Key Stage Statements A matching programme of non-statutory Units of Learning

Statutory requirements Every state-funded school in England must provide the Basic Curriculum which includes provision for RE for all registered pupils at the school (including Reception and Sixth Form) in accordance with Schedule 19 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. The key document in determining the teaching of RE is the locally agreed syllabus. Academies, Free Schools and Voluntary Aided schools may choose to follow their own or a different locally agreed syllabus (with the permission of the SACRE concerned) or devise their own curriculum (which must broadly reflect the requirements of an agreed syllabus). Maintained special schools and PRUs are required to ensure that as far as practicable, a pupil receives RE according to the locally agreed syllabus.

Statutory sections Statutory Requirements Right of Withdrawal Statutory Areas of Understanding Key Content

Planning from the Agreed Syllabus Click on: Planning button How to plan from the Agreed Syllabus Placing enquiry at the heart of learning

Programme of units Look up: Programme of units for KS1 & KS2… the exemplar units are flexible to fit with the rest of curriculum, and may be taught in any order. The majority of Primary schools use them.

Units of learning one each term for each year group incorporate Areas of Understanding follow the Enquiry Cycle may be adapted to fit with other areas of the curriculum Key Content for chosen faiths should be mapped into them Map Key Content - basic essentials of each faith

What else? Statutory Age-related Expectations for assessment Pedagogy for teaching SEN especially for Specials EYFS for the Nursery

Need help?? Guidance and FAQs Guidance for school governors and headteachers The responsibilities of governors and headteachers

Collective Worship

Collective Worship The legal position: All registered pupils attending a maintained school, other than in a nursery class or a nursery school, should take part in a daily act of Collective Worship, unless his/her parents/guardians have exercised their right for their child to be wholly or partly withdrawn from attendance. 1944 Education Act

What does Ofsted look for? the effectiveness of the school’s approach to keeping pupils safe how each aspect of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is defined by indicators that include reference to how well the school is promoting fundamental British values the implications for schools either with / without a designated religious character.