Happy Thursday! Bell Work Place all of your materials beneath your desk and be ready to start promptly when the bell rings and the announcements are over. DO NOT TOUCH ANY MATERIALS THAT ARE DROPPED OFF IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR TABLES! Thank you!!!
“Marshmallow Challenge” Read the instructions. Observe the materials – but don’t touch them until the timer starts. Use your 18 minutes as a team. Stop touching anything and sit down when the buzzer goes off.
“Build a Tower; build a team” Learning Intentions Success Criteria We are learning to… reflect on our learning, using prior feedback on practice to perform to our best abilities on evidence understand and identify the key components of the MYP Design Cycle annotate using Cornell note-taking method We’ll know we’re successful when we can… complete the ‘Marshmallow Challenge’ , view the TED talk, and discuss how they connect to the IB Learner Profile and the MYP Design criteria create an effective set of notes from the lecture (C: Creating the solution - evidence task, meeting the PR or AD descriptors) “Build a Tower; build a team” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0_yKBitO8M
Group Discussion Questions Did you enjoy going through the “Marshmallow Challenge”? Why or why not? If you HAD seen this before in Citizenship class, how did that background knowledge assist you? Which IB Learner Profile Traits were exercised? How? Did you create any “pro-types” with your team? If ‘yes’, how did that help your group in the end? If ‘no’, what ideas would you have tried before going with the design you did? How were your communication skills? Which student, if any, was like the “manager” of the group? Why? Refer to the ‘MYP Design Standards’ handout I gave you last class. Skim through each criterion and connect each part of your “Marshmallow Challenge” process to the criteria.