4th Grade Math & Science Learning Focus Sept. 3– Sept. 7 Science • Make a comparison statement to match a multiplication equation (4.OA.1) • Write a multiplication equation to represent a verbal statement of a multiplicative comparison (4.OA.1) • Solve story problems involving a multiplicative comparison using multiplication or division (4.OA.2) • Write a multiplication equation to represent a verbal statement of a multiplicative comparison (4.OA.1) Solve multi-step story problems involving only whole numbers, using addition, multiplication, and division (4.OA.3) • Find all factor pairs for a whole number between 1 and 100 (4.OA.4) • Demonstrate an understanding that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors (4.OA.4) • Determine whether a whole number between 1 and 100 is a multiple of a given 1-digit number (4.OA.4) • Identify the relative sizes of centimeters and meters (4.MD.1) • Express a measurement in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit within the same system of measurement (4.MD.1) Respiratory System We will be making a model of the lungs next week. We will need various items for this activity. Please send any of the following items by Monday, September 10th it would be greatly appreciated. water bottles, small balloons, large balloons, straws, rubber bands, play dough or modeling clay Important Date(s) Monday, September 3- Labor Day (no school) Friday, October 5- Human Body Project is due If you have not done so, please remember to send the $45.00 supply fee and please join the PTO. The fee is $10.00. Signed Papers: Please review, initial and return signed papers on Monday. There is a box for each week where you will initial. You do not have to sign the actual papers. . Sept. 3– Sept. 7 Math: Unit 1, Module 3, Session 3 Science: Body Systems Math: Unit 1, Module 3, Session 4 Science: Body Systems Math: Unit 1, Module 3, Session5 Science: Body Systems Math: Unit 1, Module 4, Session 1 Science: Body Systems No School LABOR DAY