(includes all Universal, Targeted) (includes all Universal) Tiered RtI Family & Community Partnering: Respecting Time and Resources Intensive Tier 1-5% (includes all Universal, Targeted) Individualized school and community partnering for a few families, students and school staff. Targeted Tier 5-15% (includes all Universal) Focused school/community outreach and problem-solving partnering for some families, students and school staff. Universal Tier 80-90% Positive school climate with school-wide efforts to welcome, include, and support ALL families, students, and school community members; Stated beliefs that: (1) education is a shared responsibility between families and schools; (2) families are equal partners; (3) students achieve more when families and schools work together; (4) community participation supports school success. Key Points: -Family-school-community partnering in tiers aligns time & resources effectively; responsibilities & expertise can be utilized according to need. -Each tier includes previous one, but provides additional support or focus. -Partnering may be different across time or situation for any stakeholder as circumstances & expectations change. -Universal Tier similar to core curriculum: more consistently & broadly implemented the more effective it will be. -Can be applied to entire districts, communities, sites, classrooms, &/or special programs. -Percentages used as guidelines in any setting in thinking through time & resources in each situation. -Example: classroom of 30 students, 3 student/ families may need targeted or intensive support. -Important to use data in making decisions. Ideas to Consider: -Discuss specific site tiers. ( CDE, 2008b; Epstein et al, 2002)