Place Type: Rural Village Alpine Place Type: Rural Village The following visual simulation was created by Steve Price of Urban Advantage, Inc. as a visualization tool to showcase what smart growth could look like locally. This simulation is one of the tools in the Smart Growth Tool Box, a set of planning and financing resources being developed by SANDAG to assist local jurisdictions in implementing smart growth principles in the opportunity areas on the Smart Growth Concept Map. This is a conceptual simulation of how this area could change through the application of smart growth principles, and is meant to generate additional ideas and discussion about smart growth opportunities. The simulation created for the Rural Village community of Alpine focuses on creating a pedestrian-friendly streetscape.
The simulation takes place on Alpine Boulevard, looking west toward the intersection at Arnold Way and Victoria Drive. Interstate 8 is just north of this picture.
Alpine Boulevard – Alpine, CA The simulation begins with a view of existing conditions. Existing Conditions Lack of clear edges to street Intermittent sidewalks and unsafe pedestrian crossings Sun-baked, colorless appearance dominated by asphalt Gaps of architecture along the street—unappealing for pedestrians walking down the sidewalk Click 1: Public street improvements: Continuous sidewalks enhanced with street trees, street lamps, and furniture Landscaped medians with pedestrian refuges and clearly marked crosswalks Bicycle lanes, parking cut-outs, and bulb-outs Click 2: Façade improvements to existing buildings New architecture oriented to and entered from sidewalks Click 3: Infill development sensitively designed for desired community character Click 4: Further sidewalk-oriented development bringing more people and more life to this community center
Alpine Boulevard – Alpine, CA Existing and conceptual images. The finished conceptual image was endorsed by the Alpine Revitalization Group, chaired by Supervisor Diane Jacob. Existing Conceptual
Smart Growth Visual Simulations Smart Growth Tool Box SANDAG would like to thank Urban Advantage for these visual simulations, and remind you that the 3-D simulations and the photographs of existing smart growth projects will be available this fall. For more information on the visual simulations and the Smart Growth Tool Box, please visit SANDAG’s website at