Introducing Real Time Strategic Planning “Plans are nothing, planning is everything.” Dwight Eisenhower
The Strategy Pyramid
The Strategy Development Cycle A- get to know ourselves better as an org B- found our place in the field C- Differentiated by our strengths D- Work on this today, draft E- introduce today Constantly using this process to adapt strategy
Real Time Strategic Planning Process Tools Organizational Identity Statement Strategy Screen Big Questions One Page Strategic Plan Board Process/Commitment to Planning as core Board function
Org Identity Example
Strategy Screen Example – Definition - A set of decision making criteria that expresses the organization’s identity and it ability to maximize it’s impact. Does it align with our mission and vision? Is it achievable through funding resources we have or can obtain? Do we have the capacity (expertise and resources) or can we easily create the capacity? Does it have a high likelihood of success? Will it build or reinforce our competitive advantage? OR Does it enhance our brand and credibility? Will it strengthen partnerships and/or not put key relationships at risk?
One Page Strategic Plan Example
Theory of Change - Defining the Problem First Definition – An approach for social change that establishes the connection between the social problem, the strategies and the desired impact. Define problem first Impact (or long-term outcomes) second Work backwards from Impact to define desired outcome, outputs, and activity that will effect the change
Theory of Change Logic Model The logical flow from Impact to Activities Activities are the processes, tools, events, technology, and actions that are an intentional part of the program implementatio n. Outputs Outputs are data about the direct results of program activities. E.g., number of classes taught, meetings held, Outcomes Outcomes are specific changes - attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, skills, status, or level of functioning expected to result from program activities. The further in time we get from the program activities, the less attribution we can claim Impact Impacts are the kinds of organizational , community, or system level changes expected