Qualifications Portal Guide Personal Development and Employability Qualification
Step 1 – Logging In To obtain a login for the Qualifications Portal please contact us at qualifications@princes-trust.org.uk and let us know your name, centre name, regional Prince’s Trust contact name and the qualification (PDE) that you are delivering. We will email a username and password. The Qualifications Portal can be accessed via our Prince’s Trust Qualifications webpages: https://qualifications.princes-trust.net/qualificationsportal
Portal - Login To login, type username and password then press Enter
Step 2 – Getting Started You centre must first gain centre approval with The Prince's Trust Qualifications. When you first log in to the Portal you must complete the Fast Track Form for your centre. This confirms that your centre had appropriate policies and staffing in place for delivery of our qualifications. You will also need to send a signed Centre Agreement for Qualifications. Until these forms have been submitted and approved by the Qualifications Team, you will not be able to make entries for your learners. Please do this as soon as possible when you get your login details otherwise it may delay your entries.
Portal – Entry Screen/Options You can see your centre details and individual details here. You can edit certain parts including changing your password The Fast Track Form should be completed when you first log into the Portal. You will not be able to make entries until this is done and your Centre Agreement has been signed.
Step 3 – Making Entries Making a claim on The Portal is the official stage of informing The Prince’s Trust that these learners are being submitted for External Moderation. All entries will be charged, so it is important that learners are only entered for the units that have been completed, assessed, internally moderated and are ready for external moderation by The Prince’s Trust. Dates of the external moderation windows can be found on our website: https://www.princes-trust.org.uk/about-the-trust/qualifications/personal-development-employability Entries can be made at any time and will automatically fall into the next EM window
Portal – Entry Screen/Options Click on ‘Make unit and qualification claims for PDE’ to enter your learners
Portal – Making Entries All sessions set up by your regional Prince’s Trust Executive and linked to your centre will be listed. A session will disappear one year after completion. Click on the relevant session to make your entries.
Portal - Making Entries When you click on the required session, all registered learners linked to that session will appear. To make your entries: Under the relevant unit heading, select the level of the unit for all learners you wish to enter The + sign requests a unit certificate for that learner. This costs £2.50 per unit and is entirely optional. Scroll to the right to see additional units Some learners may be listed on Page 2 Once you have selected all the required entries for your learners, press Submit If a learner does not appear then it is likely to be because they have not completed a Profile Form. This must be completed and sent to your regional Programme Executive before an entry can be made.
Portal – Making Entries Some learners may be listed on Page 2 Please ensure that learners’ names are spelt correctly as this is how they will appear on any certificates requested. If you notice any errors, please notify your regional Prince’s Trust Executive immediately. Missing ULNs should be emailed to qualifications@princes-trust.org.uk
Portal – Making Entries Under the relevant unit heading, select the level of the unit for all learners you wish to enter The + sign requests a unit certificate for that learner Scroll to the right to see additional units
Scroll all the way to the right to enter for a qualification (i Scroll all the way to the right to enter for a qualification (i.e an Award, Certificate or Diploma) if you have met the rules of combination. Learners must be entered for a qualification through the Portal; this does not happen automatically once they have enough credits. Eligibility will be checked by the qualifications team before qualifications are awarded.
Once you are happy with your entries you can “save” (which will keep them on the portal for when you log in next time) or “submit” which will formally make your entries. The total cost will be calculated here
Portal – Making Entries After pressing Submit, the payment screen will appear. Select Request an Invoice or Pay by Credit Card and press Continue and then Proceed. An automated email will be sent to confirm your entries. If you do not receive an automated email then the process has not been fully completed. Please try again or contact the Prince’s Trust Qualifications.
Step 4 – Sample Requests Sample requests are made by the Prince’s Trust by the specified deadline. The deadlines are detailed within our external moderation window dates on our website. It is the centre’s responsibility to check for their sample requests and ensure the work is sent for external moderation to arrive in advance of the deadline. Please note that the centre will not receive an email informing them that the sample request has been made; please check the Portal on the relevant date to see what learners and units have been requested. If no sample request can be seen, please contact The Prince’s Trust Qualifications immediately.
Portal – Sample Requests To view your sample request: Click on ‘Sample requests and results‘ on the left hand menu and then Advanced Search above.
Portal – Sample Requests . Portal – Sample Requests After clicking on Advanced Search, select the qualification name (PDE) and then click on the session name you wish to view and press Search.
Portal – Sample Requests Sampled learners and units will be displayed. These must be sent to The Prince’s Trust to be received by the specified date. You can export this information to Excel – this will give a printable version of entries, sample requests and results for a session.
Things to remember: When submitting entries if you do not fully complete the payment process then your entries will not be made. You should check your entries once they are made by going through the “Sample Request and Results” part of the portal. Any errors must be highlighted to The Prince’s Trust Qualification team immediately. Any incorrect entries highlighted to us after the window deadline cannot be changed and will be classed as a fail. A formal resubmission will then be required. It is a centre’s responsibility to check the portal for sample requests which will be available by the specified deadline. Failure to send samples to us by the deadline will lead to your entries being failed. Deadline details can be found on our website and it is a centres responsibility to adhere to these.
Step 5 – Checking Results On the specified results deadline, your results can be checked on the Portal by clicking on ‘Sample requests and results’ and ‘advanced search’. Select the qualification (PDE) and the session name for the results you wish to view. Units that have passed successfully will go green. Failed units will show as red. Results can be downloaded into Excel. An External Moderation Report will be sent to the centre with feedback on the sampled work.
Checking Results On the specified results deadline, your results can be checked on the Portal by clicking on ‘Sample requests and results’ and ‘advanced search’. Select the session name for the results you wish to view. Units that have passed successfully will go green. Failed units will show as red.
Further Information For more information please visit our website: https://www.princes-trust.org.uk/about-the-trust/qualifications Or contact the Prince’s Trust Qualifications on 0207 5431391 qualifications@princes-trust.org.uk