Kincaid Elementary School What does it mean to be a Kincaid Cougar?
Learn something new every day A Kincaid Cougar will: Work hard Do the right thing Learn something new every day
How can you be a Kincaid Cougar in our room? Walk in school Be nice Keep your hands and feet to yourself Clean up Look at the speaker Raise your hand to speak NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Recess Expectations are: 1. I will be kind and respectful to all adults and all children. 2. I will keep my hands and feet to my self. 3.I will stay within the boundaries of the playground my teacher has assigned. 4. I will slide down the slide and not climb back up. 5. I will not pick up or throw bugs, stones, or any other items not belonging to me. 6. I will stop playing and line up quickly and quietly when I am given the signal to go inside.
Cafeteria Expectations are: I will be kind and respectful to all adults and children. Enter cafeteria calmly. Take money out before you get to cashier. In the serving line, get your lunch quickly. Quiet Voices Always Use your silverware properly. Table manners are a must! Exit the table quietly. Stand quietly while you wait for your teacher.
Media Center Expectations are: I will be kind and respectful to all adults and children. I will use a quiet voice only. I will return my books on time. I will walk in the library at all times. I will be silent when other groups are in the Media Center.
The Bus Expectations are: I will be kind and respectful to all adults and all children. I will always walk to and from the bus. I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself. I will sit in my seat correctly with my back against the seat and my book bag in my lap. I will talk in a quiet voice to the person next to me. I will obey my bus driver.
Bathroom Expectations are: I will be kind and respectful to all adults and children. I will walk quietly to and from the bathroom. I will respect other people’s privacy. I will flush the toilet and wash my hands. I will keep the bathroom neat and clean and never write on the walls or doors.
Hallway Expectations are: Walk Hands at your side On the right hand side Always silent
Assembly/Field Trip/Special Event Expectations are: I will be kind and respectful to all adults and children. I will keep my hands and feet to myself. I will stay within the boundaries of my assigned space. I will lineup quickly and silently when I am given the signal to leave.
Students’ Rights & Responsibilities: You have the right to a safe environment. You have the responsibility to follow safety rules. You have the right to voice your opinion. You have the responsibility to respect the opinion of others. You have the right to use school books. Materials, and equipment. You have the responsibility to take care of the school materials. You have the right to fair treatment. You have the responsibility to treat others fairly. You have the right to a good education. You have the responsibility to do your best.