Operations Directorate Update Dr. Jeffrey S. Wilson Director of Operations Huntsville City Schools
Blossomwood Elementary School
Blossomwood Elementary Completion by Woodward Construction on July 19th. Furniture delivery July 23rd. Security upgrades are currently under design. Playground equipment is currently being procured. Grand Opening Celebration: August 17th.
Blossomwood Elementary
Blossomwood Elementary
Blossomwood Elementary
Blossomwood Elementary
Blossomwood Elementary
Lee Campus Lee High School & New Century Technology
Lee Campus Completion by Winter Construction on March 6th. Furniture delivery July 23rd. Security upgrades are currently being installed. Existing building currently being demolished. New athletic fields bid date is August 14th with completion in the Summer of 2013.
Lee Campus
Lee Campus
Lee Campus
Lee Campus
Operations Directorate Update Dr. Jeffrey S. Wilson Director of Operations Huntsville City Schools