How do you successfully answer source questions? Key components of source question: Question – Make sure you fully understand the question. If it asks how far then explain what it shows and then the limitations If it asks why then set it in the context of what you know If it asks explain then quote useful bits of the source to back up your knowledge If it asks about usefulness then make sure say what is useful and then what is omitted. If you only do half, you can only score half! Provenance – Who Where When: How does this influence your interpretation of the source? Content – How does the meaning and message of the source answer the question? Remember to quote aspects or short phrases from the source to back up your argument Context – What background information helps explain the source and aids answering the question?
How far does this poster show that Nazi propaganda worked? "Work and Food" From November 1932 Reichstag election. How far does this poster show that Nazi propaganda worked?
Anti-Fascist Imagery: "Hurrah, the Butter is Gone Anti-Fascist Imagery: "Hurrah, the Butter is Gone!" (Workers’ Illustrated Newspaper) (December 19, 1935) Does this piece of anti-Nazi propaganda show that their economic policy was not successful?
Why did the Nazis publish this image in 1938? Magda Goebbels at Home with her Children (1938) Why did the Nazis publish this image in 1938?