Hear the voice of Jesus say, Loudly crying unto all, Work For Jesus Hear the voice of Jesus say, Loudly crying unto all, In my vineyard work today: Hearken to his call. Work, then, for Jesus: He will own and bless your labors; Work, work for Jesus: Work, work today. 1-3 Words by J. H. Martin / Music by R. M. McIntosh
Why, he asks, thro' all the day, Stand ye idle, nothing do? Work For Jesus Why, he asks, thro' all the day, Stand ye idle, nothing do? Enter in without delay: I have work for you. Work, then, for Jesus: He will own and bless your labors; Work, work for Jesus: Work, work today. 2-3
Thro' the long and toilsome day, 'Neath a blazing, burning sun, Work For Jesus Thro' the long and toilsome day, 'Neath a blazing, burning sun, Bear the heat, pursue your way Till your task is done. Work, then, for Jesus: He will own and bless your labors; Work, work for Jesus: Work, work today. 3-3