The Decree of Darius Daniel 6
Outline of Daniel The Historical Setting – The Babylonian Captivity – Chap. 1 The captivity of Jerusalem (1:1-2) The Conscription of Certain Jews for Special Training (1:3-7) The Commitment of Daniel and His Companions (1:8-16) The Choice of Daniel and His Companions for Royal Service (1:17-21) The Prophetic Course of Gentile Domination (chaps. 2-7) The Dreams of Nebuchadnezzar (chaps. 2-4) The Debauch and Doom of Belshazzar (chap. 5) The Decree of Darius (chap. 6) The Prophetic History of Israel: Through Desolation to Deliverance (chaps. 8-12)
Babylonian Empire
Medo-Persian Empire
Outline of Daniel 6 Daniel’s Place in The New Government (6:1-3) A Treacherous Plot (6:4-9) Faithfulness and Accusation (6:10-15) Daniel’s Sentence and Deliverance (6:16-23) The Proclamation of Darius (6:24-28)
Kingdom Organization Darius Commissioner Daniel
Next Time: The Dream of Daniel