Factors Affecting Climate PRESENTED BY: GROUP- B
INTRODUCTION This power point presentation is all about the factors affecting climate of Koraput in particular and India in general. There are comparison of factors affecting climate of Koraput with that of the other places of India. It also explains the affects of el-nino and southern oscillation on the climate of India. There are screen shot the web pages from where the data about the factors affecting of climate of Koraput uploaded.
Factors Relief: As Koraput is surrounded by mountains there is more rainfall in this district with comparison to other district of Orissa. Altitude: This place also experiences less temperature with comparison to other districts of Orissa. Distance from Sea: This place is not affected by the influence of sea breeze and land breeze.
Opinion of Friends Climate of Chandigarh of Northern India has moderate because of elevation. It is also affect by the distance from sea factor. Coromandal coast experiences rainfall during winter season. Though monsoon unites the climate of India there is difference in climate experiences in different parts of India.
Your Town Other Places Comparison Altitude and distance from sea are the main factor which affects climate of Koraput. There is no or very little rainfall in winter season. Temperature during summer season is not very high in Koraput because of high altitude. The climate of Koraput is not enervating during retreating monsoon season. Other Places Cities like Kolkota, Mumbai, Chennai is affected by the nearness to sea. The Coromandal coast and northern parts of India experiences rainfall in winter season. Temperature remain very high in rest part of Orissa during Summer. The climate of rest of Orissa is enervating during October and November months.
Screen Print Please open the web link http://climateofindia.pbworks.com/FACTORS-AFFECTING-CLIMATE-OF-INDIA to see details progress of our work.
Jet Stream & Elnino There are two types of Jet streams found in India in different seasons. Winter Jet stream blows from west to east over northers plains of India. During south-west monsoon season the westerly jet of northern India shift towards north and an easterly jet stream found around 150 North latitude. El-nino is a warm current originate in the Peru coast in a gap to 3 to 7 years. It is the extension of warm equatorial current. It disturbs global climatic pattern. There are floods, droughts different parts of the world because of this current.
Climatological survey of Orissa, 1987-2001. BIBLIOGRAPHY Climatological survey of Orissa, 1987-2001. District Statistical Handbook of Koraput, 2001 to 2007. www.allrainfallreports.com www.wunderground.com www.wikipedia.com www.jnvkoraput.pbwiki.com
Mr. A. K. Mishra, PGT-geography, JNV, Koraput ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Mr. A. K. Mishra, PGT-geography, JNV, Koraput Mr. S. K. Tripathy, Principal, JNV, Koraput Mr. K. Pttnaik, FCSA, JNV, Koraput