Vince May Atlanta, Georgia July 20 - 23, 2010 AAQG RMC Procedure 101 Vince May Atlanta, Georgia July 20 - 23, 2010
RMC Charter The RMC is a committee of the America’s sector, a program of the SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (ITC) established to manage the application of the sector scheme RMC membership is open to all members of the Americas sector, which shall consist of: OEM members of the Americas sector (each having one membership vote) One member from each recognized AB in the Americas sector (each being a non-voting member) One to three members from recognized CBs within the Americas sector (non-voting members) One member of the SAE (non-voting member), and Up to two “At Large” members (each being non-voting members).
RMC Responsibilities The RMC is responsible for the management, review, approval, implementation, and modification of their procedures. The RMC shall also serve as the governing body by which the requirements for and recognition of Accreditation Bodies (ABs), Certification Bodies (CBs), Auditor Authentication Bodies (AABs), training course providers, and auditors for Aerospace Quality Management Systems (AQMSs) are determined. The RMC shall have at least one face-to-face meeting annually. It is recommended that RMC meetings take place in conjunction with AAQG meetings in order to promote networking and a reduction in travel costs. A quorum for an official RMC meeting shall be two thirds of the total OEM RMC voting membership, and at least one AB and one CB member. The RMC shall maintain a master copy of the meeting minutes on the SAE RMC website.
RMC Membership Guidelines The Chairman of the RMC shall be selected by the full RMC, reviewed annually, and approved by the Americas sector. The role of the Chairman: Take responsibility for all RMC activities and act as sponsor for RMC sub-teams. Represent the RMC on the Americas sector leadership team. Call meetings, set the agenda, and conduct meeting activities. Communicate meeting results and coordinate actions.
RMC Membership Guidelines RMC membership is a requirement for all AAQG OEM members of the Americas sector. The RMC shall nominate three persons from its membership to serve as AAQG representatives on the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) Other Party Management Team (OPMT). One person shall serve as the team leader for the Americas sector. Since attendance at the international meetings is required; the RMC shall also select candidates to serve as suitable alternates. Proxy delegation to another RMC member shall be acceptable from OEMs, when presented in writing to the RMC. Proxies giving one individual the general vote of another entity shall not be accepted.
RMC Membership Guidelines Attendance by non-members to the RMC meetings shall be by general invitation or at the request of one of the members, with the concurrence of the chairperson. Non-OEM members and guests may be asked to leave the meeting during discussion involving sensitive/proprietary matters of the RMC or individual ABs, CBs, or auditors. Only ABs recognized by the RMC and the Americas sector shall be members. CBs must be approved by the RMC and accredited by an AB in order to serve as members. CBs may be represented on the RMC by industry associations, such as the International Accreditation of Accredited Registrars (IAAR).
RMC Membership Guidelines “At Large” members may be appointed by the Chairman, but must be approved by the RMC. “At Large” members are non-voting members from, but not limited to, the regulatory authority and academia communities.
Annual Review of RMC The RMC shall prepare and present an oversight report to the OPMT, which demonstrates compliance to/with: Review of controlling procedures. Review of RMC meeting minutes. Review of CB accreditation reports. Review of CB certification/registration reports. Review of auditor authentication records. Review of training body approvals. Review of RMC performance feedback from: IAQG members Registrars Suppliers Review of International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Peer Reviews (oversight) of IAF signatories (ABs). The RMC shall also produce separate minutes from the Oversight Report containing lessons learned from other Sector Management Structures (SMSs).
Review of Database Operations The review of the database operations shall consider: A review of the reports from the database administrator relating to the rejection of any input data. A review of the effectiveness and accessibility of the database through: Monitoring feedback from IAQG members. Monitoring feedback from Registrars. Monitoring feedback from certified suppliers.
Issue Resolution The RMC may define a process for the issuance of resolutions with respect to a change or an interpretation of the operating scheme, which is defined in AAQG Procedure 103. Prior to the issuance of the resolution, the RMC shall gain concurrence from the other sectors and IAQG OPMT If serious problems are discovered in the operation of a CB or AB, the OPMT shall make arrangements for an audit or other actions necessary to address the problems. Unresolved AAQG RMC issues are to be escalated to the IAQG OPMT
Issue Resolution All decisions shall be reached by consensus of the full RMC, whenever possible. When a consensus cannot be achieved, a vote must be held. A vote shall consist of the simple majority of the total OEM voting membership, except for: The recognition of ABs. The recognition of CBs. The recognition of AABs. The recognition of training course providers and auditors.
Issue Resolution ABs, CBs, AABs, and training course providers shall be approved through the Auditor/CB Review Team, which consists of OEM voting members of the RMC. The Auditor/CB Review Team approval is reached by a unanimous decision of the OEM voting members with no negative votes. RMC voting members may place issues on the RMC meeting agenda in an effort to gain resolution. Non-voting OEM members, ABs, CBs, or other interested parties outside the RMC shall gain the sponsorship of one OEM member to place an issue on the meeting agenda for resolution or discussion.
Issue Resolution When issues cannot be resolved at the lower levels (such as with suppliers, ABs, CBs, etc.) complaints will be submitted in writing to the RMC Chairman. The Chairman will review the complaint and: May contact the parties for information or resolution. May form a committee to review the complaint, but confidentiality must be maintained. The committee shall recommend a solution to the Chairman for approval. The Chairman shall notify the complainant of the decision. If the RMC Chairman’s decision is not acceptable to the complainant the issue can be raised by the complainant to the AAQG leadership team or the OPMT, depending on topic and anticipated result.
Questions? As Of November 14, 2009