COM 2603: Revision for the year Module coordinator: Dr S Moola Module coordinator 012 429 6281 Team members: Ms S Sibango Mr S Thurtell Ms S Skhosana Mr T Lechaba Title slide – option 2
Structure of the examination The examination paper covers all three sections: Section A (INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION), section B (DEVELOPMENT) and section C (HEALTH COMMUNICATION). You are required to answer all the questions in each section. The examination paper includes, among others, short questions and scenario-type questions. Section A: 30 marks Section B: 25 marks Section C: 25 marks Total of examination paper: 80 marks The examination paper does not include multiple-choice questions.
SECTION A INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION You are required to read through and familiarise yourself with the entire intercultural communication syllabus, that is, section A: Intercultural communication. Please note that this is not a scope.
In this section, you need to make sure you understand the building blocks of Intercultural communication especially power and context. You need to be able to differentiate between political and historical context. You should be able to discuss how power and context influence intercultural communication. You must also be able to apply this to your country, for example, which cultural or racial groups have more power, what is the history between various racial or ethnic groups and how it influence how these groups communicate today.
Besides power and history, culture is another building block of communication. Organisations with employees from different cultural groups may experience misunderstanding or a clash of values. You need to be able to discuss work-related values such as individualism versus collectivism or task-orientation versus relationship orientation and how these may influence employee relations. Again, it is important to apply these to your environment (e.g. workplace or study group).
Furthermore, culture can also influence how individuals form relationships such as friendships. Individuals tend to build friendships with members of their own cultural group. You need to be able to discuss challenges such as motivation, anxiety, and negative stereotypes etc. that seem to be a hindrance to intercultural relationships. Different relationships occur in or between different or similar cultural groups; these can include aspects related to identity, stereotyping, prejudice among other aspects- these are interrelated aspects.
Culture is a broad term especially in the field of intercultural communication, culture reinforces ones beliefs, customs and behavioral patterns. We behave according to our cultural patterns that are instilled in us from young. Scholars have defined intercultural communication and specifically culture differently. Some believed members of each cultural group were similar while some believed that individuals belonging to one cultural group were different. As a results, some suggested the concept of dialectics, which incorporate these clashing definitions of culture. You need to be able to discuss dialectics of intercultural communication such as differences-similarities dialectic, history/past-present future dialectic etcetera. You must be able to apply these to your own experiences or culture.
Another important issue to understand in this section is reasons why it is important to study intercultural communication. You should be able to discuss the imperatives for studying intercultural communication such as demographic, peace or self-awareness imperatives. Again, try to apply these to your own country – e.g. in due to the presence of diverse cultural groups in your community or work place, studying or understanding intercultural communication becomes a necessity (demographic imperative).
SECTION B DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION When preparing for the examination, make sure that you are familiar with the entire content (from the study guide as well as the section on development communication in the prescribed textbook) of section B: Development Communication. Please note that this is not a scope.
In this section, you to understand the three approaches (or paradigms) to development communication such as modernisation, dependency and multiplicity-in-one-world approach. You should be able to discuss the main characteristics of each of these approaches. You should also be able to explain how communication can be used to achieve development goals. In particular you must be able to define and discuss development journalism and explain its goals or principles, its usage in Africa, success or challenges in developing or underdeveloped countries.
The aspect of folk media emerges from the participatory approach, which includes concepts such as development support communication (DSC). What is meant by folk media and how can this type of media be used for development? Development support communication (DSC) is one of the approaches that work well for communities with low levels of education. There are also development support practitioners who are experts in this communication approach. It is important to understand this approach, especially when working with rural communities.
Development communication has various approaches each with a different set of guidelines on how to achieve development goals. The participatory approach for instance views participation as key to the success of any development project. You should be able to describe the concept ‘participation’ and its various approaches such as ‘participation as involvement and collaboration’ and ‘participation as emancipation and empowerment’. You must be able to show how these approaches differ.
SECTION C HEALTH COMMUNICATION You are required to read through and familiarise yourself with the entire health communication syllabus, that is, section C: Health Communication (from the study guide as well as the section on health communication in the prescribed textbook). You are also required to familiarise yourself with practical examples of health communication and healthcare settings that occur within a medical context. Please note that this is not a scope.
Edutainment deals with educating masses on health care aspects through entertainment. Health communication campaigns are used to educate masses on different health care aspects example: TB, HIV/AIDS among other campaigns are used to inform specific audiences about different health care issues. Different steps need to be followed when designing or developing health campaigns for specific illness that are targeted towards specific audiences. In modern health care and treatment options, the biomedical paradigm is no longer the core method to use, alternative medical treatments exist and are being used throughout the world.
Different heath communication models are used in the health care setting for different situations in relation to providing medical care and treatment or for devising health communication campaigns. Health communication campaigns are used to educate masses on disease and illnesses examples include TB, AIDS, cancer, Ebola among other illnesses. Health communication campaigns are have different goals and objectives that they aim to conclude campaigns with. In health care settings interviewing processes exist which occur in different phases. HCPs need to understand their patients’ medical and personal conditions and vice versa.
Nonverbal communication in healthcare is the opposite of verbal communication: body motion, personal and social space, facial expressions, touch form part of nonverbal communication and all display meaning in health care communication. HCPs need to listen to patients and therefore need to display certain skills in order to communicate effectively.
Please note: with regard to health communication when explaining or discussing practical examples, only examples from the medical setting must be used to put forward your discussions. Please start preparing for your examination immediately.
How to answer questions? Aim to answer the question, please write an answer- do not leave blanks. Use the marks allocated per question to judge how much to write. List examples where requested per section, EG: intercultural com= intercultural examples, development= development & health= health comm examples. Use a scenario where you are requested to do so. READ the question clearly. Answer quickly- remember your time is only 2 hours, time yourself per section. Aim to answer the question in full please, see the mark allocated. Follow the sections, use this information to study for the examination. Plan your studies per section, study hard.
Aim to: plan, work, study hard, good luck Please study hard, everything you need to know is provided in the material you have. Aim to: plan, work, study hard, good luck