Normal Daily Homework Assignments (please check planners nightly): Week of September 24th Notes for the Week Contact Information (330)478-6174 This week we are starting a new reading story. “Dogs” is an informational text that explains what dogs need from their owners. We will work on the story and skills this week and next week, so there will be no reading tests or spelling test this week. We will be finishing Chapter 1 in math this week. We will review Monday and Tuesday and take the chapter test on Wednesday. Please look for math homework to come home tonight and check over it before sending it back in tomorrow. Thanks to those of you who have scheduled your conference for next week. Please send in a note or call me if you need me to schedule the conference for you. I will not be sending home Friday Folders this week. I will keep the graded papers that we have to discuss with you at conferences. Friday we will have our 1st behavior celebration for students with excellent behavior for the month of September. Weather-permitting, we will head outside with our other 2nd grade friends. We are going to have some hands-on math and reading practice Wednesday as we make applesauce to celebrate Johnny Appleseed’s birthday. Cooking is a great way to practice reading and following directions. It should be fun and delicious! Ask your child about it! Have a great week! Important Dates October 2, 4, 5-Parent-Teacher Conferences October 5, 8- No School October 26-End of the 1st 9 weeks Here’s What We’re Working On: Reading: Dogs Skills: long a and i words, soft c and hard c, types of sentences, multiple-meaning words, author’s purpose Vocabulary words: hairy, litter, canned, clipped, coat, stayed, mammals, chewed Math: Chapter 1-Numbers to 1,000-test on Wednesday Spelling: cake, mine, ate, grape, prize, wipe, race, line, pile, rake Writing: Writing a Personal Narrative Science/Social Studies: Rules in Different Settings Normal Daily Homework Assignments (please check planners nightly): Monday-Math or writing Tuesday-Poetry notebooks-read and return Wednesday-Spelling Thursday-Reading story