Star Students Math 5 frames examples: 11/5-11/9 Literacy Calendar Our book of the week is “Tree House” and our sight words are “up & will”. We will continue to practice proper letter formation in our “Handwriting Without Tears” book. Please make sure that when your child is writing at home, they are starting their name with a capital letter and the rest lower case. They are really working hard on this at school! In Reading Workshop, we will continue our Fiction Unit of Study. This week students will be working on the story elements: problem and solution. We will be reading fiction stories and identifying the problem and solution. We will also be discussing the characters, setting, and main events. In Writing Workshop, students started a “Doodles & Drawings” book to practice using shapes in their illustrations. They will continue to work on adding details, words and sentences to their writing. Calendar 11/15 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00pm 11/19 – Early Release Day/ 12:50 Dismissal - Parent/Teacher Conferences 1:00-7:00pm 11/21-11/23 – No School/ Thanksgiving Break Birthdays None this week! Math This week students will continue representing numbers to 10 using pictures, number names, and now fingers. Being able to use fingers is another way to help them subitize numbers. For example, when they see 7 represented with fingers they see 5 and 2. Developing number sense at this age builds a strong foundation for future skills. We will also look at 5 frames as another way to represent numbers to 10. Star Students 11/5 Doreen 11/6 Kira 11/7 Emma 11/8 Ally 11/9 Izzy *Star student gets to bring in a book for me to read to the class. 5 frames examples: