Scientific Method (AKA Scientific Problem Solving) The foundation of ALL GOOD SCIENCE!
What IS the Scientific Method?? An organized plan for gathering, organizing, analysing, and communicating data A basic set of procedures that scientists use to answer a question or solve a problem
The Steps The exact wording can vary, but the basic steps and order should always be followed in an experiment
Observation Find something you’re curious about, and observe it! It helps to observe one specific object or action at a time
2. Question Based on your observations, what questions do you have? Usually a “how” or “why” question
3. Research Background research helps us ask good questions Use research to answer the “smaller” questions that lead up to your main question
4. Hypothesize Hypothesis - an educated guess that answers your main question Based on background research and prior knowledge No right or wrong!
5. Experiment Put your hypothesis to the test using data and measurements Use a set of repeatable and consistent methods
Analyze What does the data show? What conclusions can we make? Does the data support your hypothesis? Do we need to revise our hypothesis or experimental methods and try again?
7. Report Share your findings! This may be THE most important part about science!!!