I have a good understanding of emotional wellbeing


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I have a good understanding of emotional wellbeing
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Presentation transcript:

I have a good understanding of emotional wellbeing Year 6 – Strong emotions I have a good understanding of emotional wellbeing This lesson fits into the Strong Emotions strand. It focuses recognising and understanding a range of ‘comfortable’ feelings and exploring the vocabulary to communicate these feelings effectively. Children explore how they might recognise and respond to the feelings of others and how listening to their own emotions is important in terms of moving on. Children will also be given opportunities to reflect on happy memories and this might help them with how they feel about the transition to secondary school. © Leeds South and East CCG

Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills I can deepen my understanding of comfortable feelings and extend my vocabulary in order to explain both the range and intensity of my feelings to others I can recognise and respond appropriately to a wider range of feelings in others I know when I might need to listen to my emotions in order to move on I can talk about my happiest memories of school and my most comfortable feelings about my new school and I can listen to others doing the same 2

How we will work together Can you remember the ground rules we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the ground rules will be displayed in the classroom already. 3

What do we already know? Group discussion Were some harder to agree on than others? Why? Why not? Did you all agree? Intensity of feelings HAPPY SAD ANGRY AFRAID ASHAMED HIGH MEDIUM LOW Groups/ pairs (as appropriate) to sort range of emotions and intensity. Each table to focus on recording the words for one of the ‘broad’ emotions (Happy, Sad, Angry, etc.) using the list given on the relevant strip of paper. Ensure the vocabulary is cut into strips before the children complete the task so that they can engage in meaningful discussion about where they think the vocabulary should go. Can they decide where each of the words goes on the ‘intensity’ scale and record in the appropriate box? Discuss and share outcomes. Did you all agree? Were some harder to agree on than others? Why? Why not? Share original example (Slide 5) if necessary to aid discussion. Collect some suggestions as a class about the type of situations that might cause you to feel some of the feelings you have discussed. Record ideas as appropriate for future reference. 4

What do we already know? Group discussion HIGH MEDIUM LOW HAPPY SAD Intensity of feelings HAPPY SAD ANGRY AFRAID ASHAMED HIGH Elated Excited Overjoyed Thrilled Exuberant Fired up Passionate Depressed Agonized Alone Hurt Dejected Hopeless Sorrowful Miserable Furious Enraged Outraged Boiling Irate Seething Loathsome Betrayed Terrified Horrified Scared stiff Petrified Fearful Panicky Frantic Shocked Remorseful Defamed Worthless Disgraced Dishonored Mortified Admonished MEDIUM Cheerful Gratified Good Relieved Satisfied Glowing Heartbroken Somber Lost Distressed Let down Melancholy Upset Mad Defended Frustrated Agitated Disgusted Apprehensive Frightened Threatened Insecure Uneasy Intimidated Apologetic Unworthy Sneaky Guilty Embarrassed Secretive LOW Glad Contented Pleasant Tender Pleased Mellow Unhappy Moody Blue Disappointed Dissatisfied Perturbed Annoyed Uptight Resistant Irritated Touchy Cautious Nervous Worried Timid Unsure Anxious Bashful Ridiculous Regretful Uncomfortable Pitied Silly Groups/ pairs (as appropriate) to sort range of emotions and intensity. Each table to focus on recording the words for one of the emotions using the list given on paper. Can they decide where each of the words goes on the ‘intensity’ scale and record in the appropriate box? Discuss and share outcomes. Did you all agree? Were some harder to agree on than others? Why? Why not? Share original example (Slide 5) if necessary to aid discussion. Collect some suggestions as a class about the type of situations that might cause you to feel some of the feelings you have discussed. Record ideas as appropriate for future reference. The five core emotions run left to right across the top of the table. Manifestations of each emotion based upon the intensity felt are described down each of the columns in the table 5

Mindfulness Exercise 1: Mindful Hearing Listen to the audio clip http://annakaharris.com/mindfulness-for-children/ Right click on ‘Mindful Hearing clip’ hyperlink and click ‘open hyperlink’ to access video. Mindfulness exercise – Exercise 1; ‘Mindful Hearing’. Listen to the audio clip Copyright: Annaka Harris 2017 6

Pass it on… Talk partners How do you think she’s feeling? How do you know? What do you think might happen next? What are people feeling when the paper aeroplane lands near them? Why do you think each of the people has chosen to pass the paper aeroplane on? What do you think will happen next? Talk partners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeyNpAOMiiU Right click on Video clip and click ‘open hyperlink’ to access video. Watch video clip (stop at 0.44). How do you think she’s feeling? How do you know? What do you think might happen next? Continue watching video clip (stop at 2.50). What are people feeling when the paper aeroplane lands near them? Why do you think each of the people has chosen to pass the paper aeroplane on? What do you think will happen next? Watch the video clip Copyright: Heyday UK, 2014 7

Pass it on… Group discussion Why did the girl write the note? What did she intend the note to do? How did the teacher feel when he realised why she had written the note? How do you think the new girl felt? Does the fact that the paper aeroplane was passed around the whole school make the note even more special? Why? The title of the film is ‘Pass it on’. Why do you think the makers decided to call it this? Continue watching rest of the video clip. Using the prompt questions sheet in the resources (Questions for discussion), children have 5 minutes to discuss ideas about the questions and come up with their answers as a group. 8

Warm fuzzies Group discussion How did the clip make you feel? Warm Fuzzy - The warm, pleasant sensations one feels in the stomach and heart area when emotionally moved by an act of goodwill or love. www.urbandictionary.com Why? When do you feel comfortable/contented? How did the video clip make you feel? Why? Introduce the idea of a warm fuzzy feeling. Link to comfortable feelings. When do you feel comfortable/contented? Link back to range of words which described comfortable feelings. 9

What would you do? Talk partners How would you describe the range of feeling represented in this scenario? How would you describe the intensity of feeling represented in this scenario? How would you respond to this person in the situation described in the scenario? What advice would you give them? If someone said to you ‘Let it go’ What might they mean? Why? Talk partners How might this help them? Are there any of the scenarios you discussed where you would advise the person in question to ‘Let it go’ and ‘Move on’? Use resource ‘Scenarios’. Each group to explore scenarios given. In relation to each scenario, groups to discuss; How would you describe the range of feeling represented in this scenario? How would you describe the intensity of feeling represented in this scenario? How would you respond to this person in the situation described in the scenario? What advice would you give them? If someone said to you ‘Let it go’ What might they mean? Discuss that fact that we need to be in tune with our own emotions and decide that sometimes, we need to let go of the way we feel and move on so that we can remain positive and not get bogged down in feelings that can make us feel more negative. Are there any of the scenarios you discussed above where you would advise the person in question to ‘Let it go’ and ‘Move on’? Why? How might this help them? 10

Feelings about moving on Warm up game ‘Mimes’ Group discussion I think secondary school will be different because… When I think about moving onto secondary school, one thing I am excited about and one thing I am nervous about is… One of my happiest memories of primary school is… Primary school makes me feel… Comfortable/ contented feelings I associate with primary school are… Circle time. Warm up game – ‘Mimes’ (All stand facing the back of the person in front, with eyes closed. The leader taps the person in front on the shoulder, when they turn around mime an action. The mime is passed around the circle to see if it changes). Use the sentence starts on Slide 11 to guide circle time rounds. When talking about memories, link back to the idea of a warm fuzzy. 11

How has our learning progressed? Exercise 2: Mindful Breathing Re-cap LOs and discuss. Mindfulness exercise - http://annakaharris.com/mindfulness-for-children/ Right click on ‘Mindful Breathing clip’ hyperlink and click ‘open hyperlink’ to access video. Mindfulness exercise – Exercise 2; ‘Mindful Breathing’. Listen to the audio clip Copyright: Annaka Harris 2017 12

Taking the learning away Use the vocabulary and ideas we have discussed in today’s lesson when trying to communicate your feelings to others and when you might be encouraging others to do the same Try and take the time to recognise how others might be feeling particularly in relation to the transition to secondary school Explore with your friends what their happiest memories of primary school have been and how they feel about moving on to secondary school Fill in your mood journal @ www.childline.org.uk/ info-advice/school-college- and-work/school- college/school/ https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/school-college-and-work/ 13

Additional resources and help Talk to your teacher or an adult in school Talk to your Mum, Dad or someone you trust at home about how you are feeling If you have them: – Write your worry down and post it in the class worry box – Talk to a peer mediator in your school – Write your worry down on the worry wall on the school’s website Contact: www.mindmate.org.uk/ im-a-young-person Where can I go for help? 12