US Government Chapter 1 Notes
Activity What does government do? Name three ways you interact with government on a daily basis.
What is government and what are it’s functions? Providing Leadership – Maintaining Order- Providing Public Services- Providing National Security- Providing Economic Security& Assistance-
Nations and States Nation- State- Sovereignty
Systems of Government Unitary – Confederate Federal
Origins of the State Force – Evolutionary – Divine Right – Social Contract-
Constitutional Governments 1. Ideals 2. Basic structure 3. Supreme Law of the land Constitutional government – Limitations 1. 2. The constitution sets up the basic structure of the government and describes the powers of the government. It also establishes the national government as the sovereign government or the fact that the constitution, national laws, and treaties are the supreme law of the land. There are limitations, however. First, the constitution cannot possibly spell out all the possible laws, customs, and ideas that grow up around the document. Second, constitutions are not always followed by the government.
1.2 Major Types of Governments Authoritarian – Totalitarian Dictatorships Oligarchy Monarchy Autocrat Democratic Direct Representative
Principles Citizen participation Regular free and fair elections Accepting the results of elections Rule of law Majority rule with minority rights Accountability Transparency Limited Government Control of the abuses of government Economic freedom Independent judiciary Competing political parties
1.3 The Role of Government in Economic Systems Factors of Production Labor Capital Entrepreneurs
Types of Economies Capitalism Socialism Communism Adam Smith – Marx Invisible hand Laissez faire Socialism Communism – Marx Bourgeoisie Proletariat