I like being part of a group but I can resist peer pressure Year 8 – Life changes and transitions I like being part of a group but I can resist peer pressure © Leeds South and East CCG
Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills I can understand feelings and pressure that happen in friendship groups and some of the psychology of peer pressure I know ways of resisting peer pressure that work for me I can explain and practice ways of resisting peer pressure that work for me This lesson also includes breaking down these skills into the following I can develop skills in negotiating what I want I can become more assertive 2
How we will work together Can you remember the group agreement we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them. Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the ground rules will be displayed in the classroom already. 3
What do we already know? What was going on there? What did you feel when you saw people sitting like that? Why didn't you go along with it? What would have made you go along with it? Why were we doing that? As the class arrives, brief the first ten or so pupils to arrive to sit down with their feet on the chairs and their knees up. The plan is to experientially enact pressure to conform – this may or may not work (either is ok) but go with the experiment. If pupils who come in after the first ten do not sit in the same way within a few seconds, direct each one to do the same, until only a few are left to arrive – don't tell the last few to do it. Once all arrived, or as you go along if appropriate – teacher to lead class discussion based on the questions on the PowerPoint. 4
Let’s get started Introducing a bit of fun psychology with a 4 minute clip about re-enacting a peer pressure experiment with young people. The psychology of peer pressure – how peer pressure works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIh4MkcfJA Leads in to learning episode 1. Source: YouTube- eqivideos The psychology of peer pressure – how peer pressure works. 5
Who does what? Experiment results for the Asch Experiment Peer pressure statistics Reasons given for going along with the group Maybe they’re right and I’m wrong I didn’t want to be laughed at Over the 12 critical trials about 75% of participants conformed at least once, and 25% of participant never conformed. Never conformed with the group Conformed at least once 6
Feelings around peer pressure Think, pair and share One minute to think individually How would you have felt if that was you in the video? Think/pair/share- How would you have felt if that was you in the video? What ways work best for you in resisting peer pressure? 7
Feelings around resisting peer pressure Pair Two minutes to discuss in a pair How would the people in the video clip have felt if they didn’t go along with everyone else? Class to consider the question. For use on I pads or smartphones. 8
Feelings about peer pressure in friendships Share Two minutes to turn and discuss with another pair How would the feelings change if it was your friends in the room and not just people you didn’t know well? Class to consider the question. For use on I pads or smartphones. 9
Quiz time Play the quiz Source: Kahoot https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/334a0604-7979-46b4-b341-dacdc8703fe4 Play the quiz Source: Kahoot 10
Feedback How might positive peer pressure, and people’s skills in resisting peer pressure, have affected the number of young people who use drugs and alcohol? In pairs Think/pair/share How might positive peer pressure, and people’s skills in resisting peer pressure, have affected the number of young people who use drugs and alcohol? 11
Practice your skills Think, pair and share Pair: Explain your three ideas to someone else Share: Create a role-play where you include as many of your ideas as you can Subject ideas: buying or using cigarettes or alcohol, using drugs, sexual activity, taking risks, posting naked selfies What ways work best for you in resisting peer pressure Think: Think of three different ways of resisting peer pressure that could work for you Think/pair/share Ask children to consider the questions on the slide and pair up to share their ideas. Then ask them to role-play in their chosen subject. 12
How has our learning progressed? I felt uncomfortable when I liked talking about I learnt I contributed I listened well when I understood I was surprised I didn't understand I was shocked I’ve got new ideas about Children to chose 3 and finish the sentence in their books from those listed on the slide. Feedback to class. 13
Taking the learning away Write in your planner: Talk to a family member/ carer about what you learnt today, and/or about how they coped with peer pressure when they were younger Write down the number for ChildLine: 0800 1111 - in case you or a friend need it Pupils may like to write these down and/or share with the group. 14
Want to know more or get help? www.mindmate.org.uk/ im-a-young-person www.childline.org.uk/ get-support Contact: Call, email or go online 15