Understanding Assignment Questions: Descriptive v Critically analytic


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding Assignment Questions: Descriptive v Critically analytic This workshop will Explain the importance of answering a set question or task appropriately  Explore the differences between questions that ask for descriptive or critically analytic answers  Provide a list of words along with required actions to competently answer set questions Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice

Academic Skills Advice Today’s Plan What markers want Explanation of descriptive and critically analytic questions or tasks Key command words Tips for answering descriptive and critically analytic questions 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice

Academic Skills Advice 1.What markers want Decipher and unpick the question/task code by: Finding the key words Defining the key words Addressing the key words Don’t forget AND 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice

What are the different types of questions/tasks asking you to do? 2.Explanation of descriptive or critically analytic ?s/tasks What are the different types of questions/tasks asking you to do? Descriptive questions/tasks Critically analytic questions/tasks Test your knowledge of a subject and your ability to present ideas in a clear and organised way. You are expected to identify the component parts, main elements and distinguishing features of any topic under discussion. Test your knowledge of a subject – but they are more concerned with your ability to get below the surface of a subject. You are expected to examine it from different perspectives, points of view and (if applicable) to propose alternative ideas, models, and practices. 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice

and Activity 1: Keys to unlock the questions 3.Key command words and Activity 1: Keys to unlock the questions Descriptive Action expected Define Describe State Classify Identify You are expected to locate, identify, and present the main features, elements, or components of the topic under discussion and, if applicable, the underpinning theoretical knowledge of the subject. Demonstrate Illustrate Show how As above, plus you would be expected to present and explain examples to show that you understand how something works, e.g. how a theory, model, idea, or practice can be applied to a given situation. Outline Summarise You are expected to identify and summarise the main points of the topic under discussion. Trace This means that you identify and outline the stages of development of the topic under discussion. Click for table 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice

Academic Skills Advice 3.Key command words and Activity 1: Keys to unlock the questions Critically analytic Action expected Account for Explain You would clarify why something is as it is, or what happened in any given situation. Discuss Examine Explore Evaluate Consider Interpret Comment on If you see any of these command terms you are expected to identify and explain the main features of the subject under discussion, including the main theories, ideas, models, or practices underpinning the topic. If applicable, you would be expected to know of and weigh up any counter-arguments and to make connections between different ideas, models, or practices. Analyse Criticise This involves a detailed scrutiny of the topic in question. This could include explaining the origins, structure, organisation, or development of the topic in question, the positive and negative features of it, and the connections between theories, ideas, models, and practices. You would also demonstrate your awareness of any flaws in particular points of view, and your knowledge of alternative viewpoints. Justify This involves making out a case and giving reasons to support a particular viewpoint, position, judgement, or decision against other possibilities. Compare and contrast Distinguish between This involves a close study of the differences between one idea, phenomena, or situation, and another. You would need to identify the structure or features of one and make comparisons with another. You may be required to make a judgement on which is more applicable or relevant for the situation in question. Click for table 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice

Academic Skills Advice 3.Key command words A.Evaluate the impact of the internet on practices for recruitment and selection employed by firms. B.What is the difference between a conductor and an insulator? Give experimental evidence for the descriptions that you give, and try to account for these descriptions using a microscopic model of the material.’ C.It can be said that the long-standing nature-nurture argument about the development of human behaviour still rages today. Some theorists take the position that behaviour is attributable to generic factors, while others argue that environmental factors are responsible. Explore this issue, with reference to relevant theorists and commentators. ‘D.History is more or less bunk. It’s tradition. We don’t want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker’s damn is the history that we make today.‘ (Henry Ford 1916). Discuss. E.Evaluate the concerns that for all the talk of a new flexible workforce the reality is somewhat more contradictory and problematic. Activity 2 A appears Click for B Click for C Click for D Click for E 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice

Academic Skills Advice References Cottrell, S. (2013) The Study Skills Handbook. 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Neville, C. (2009) How to improve your assignment results. Maidenhead: OUP 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice

Academic Skills Advice Service Where are we? Chesham Building B0.23. Give us a call or come speak to us Monday- Friday 9am-5pm (closing at 4pm Fridays). Who am I? Louise, the dedicated workshop adviser. Who can help me with study and writing skills? Lucy and Russell run Instant Study Skills Advice sessions every weekday and Writing Skills Clinics three times a week. You can also access self-help resources on our webpage. Who can give me maths advice? Helen and Michael specialise in Maths support for students though clinics and pre-booked appointment. How do I get in touch? Email: academic-skills@brad.ac.uk Telephone: 01274 236849 http://www.brad.ac.uk/academic-skills/induction/ 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice

Academic Skills Advice Any questions? Produced by Louise Livesey May 2014 24/02/2019 Academic Skills Advice