YWBAT: identify characteristics of a quality caregiver and how to provide that care DO NOW: ITINERARY: “Considering Parenting Roles” Survey Discuss Parenting Roles and your “score” Confused Cathy Emergency Guide 10/24
YWBAT: recognize the 4 types of development in children and explore how to be a good caregiver DO NOW: ITINERARY: Review notes on CD for quiz Quiz (Types of Development) Finish Caregiver notes (as needed) Spot the Safety Hazard Notecards Storytime! 10/25 Day 1-All classes
YWBAT: create a developmentally appropriate hands on game for a pre-school aged child that will teach them a skill DO NOW: ITINERARY: Write about your favorite game from childhood. Explain Learning Game Assignment Break into groups Play and evaluate games Brainstorm your games 10/26 Day 2- class 6 10/27 Day 3-class 1 & 5
YWBAT: create a developmentally appropriate hands on game for a pre-school aged child that will teach them a skill DO NOW: ITINERARY: Sit with your group, get your paperwork out Complete your planning sheet Begin designing, creating & building your game. 10/28-Day 1 All Classes