College and Career Counselor Room 404 Mr. Shade College and Career Counselor Room 404
Dual Credit (college coursework that satisfies high school coursework)
What Courses are offered If we have 12+ students that meet criteria, MCC will send a professor to LVHS. If not, students can go to MCC at night or take online coursework
Junior Year All Juniors are required to take United States History If taking dual credit they can take coursework through MCC: Fall 2017 HIST1301 (History of the United State to 1877) EDUC1301 (Learning Framework)
Junior Year All Juniors are required to take United States History If taking dual credit they can take coursework through MCC: Spring2018 HIST1302 (History of the United State to 1877) SPCH1315 (Speech/Communications Applications)
Senior Year All Seniors are required to take one semester of Government and one semester of Economics If taking dual credit they can take coursework through MCC: Fall2017 GOVT2305 (United States Government) EDUC1301 (Learning Framework)
Senior Year All Seniors are required to take one semester of Government and one semester of Economics If taking dual credit they can take coursework through MCC: Spring2017 GOVT2306 (Texas Government) ECON2301 (United States Economics)
Other Courses for dual credit If qualified, students can take coursework in the summer, at night, or online in the following: Art, Music Appreciation, Psychology, Sociology, French, Math, Spanish, Phlebotomy , Additional English's Anything outside of these offerings, a student can still take as “early graduate admissions”
How much… If a student is considered “Economically Disadvantaged” in our system, they qualify for FREE tuition Otherwise it is around $225 No textbook cost
Advantages Earn college credits Boost Grade Point Average/Class Ranking
Dual Credit (to qualify) English2 STAAR- at least 4000 If not….. TSI Reading test Online application and some paperwork Work hard/Study hard
TSI Need to complete P.A.A. (Pre-Assessment Activity) video The TSI P.A.A. (Pre-Assessment Activity) needs to be completed before taking any sections of the TSI: *choose La Vega Independent School District And prepare/study. This is a great site where you have to create a free log in. Some of the questions on this are the same questions on the test: My Website for other info and test prep:> High School->college and career Go Center
TSTC There are a variety of programs that are offered through TSTC. Contact: Bennett Hoeffer