Non-residents in the supplementary table on pensions Methodological notes
Non-residents in the supplementary table on pensions Introduction Considerations Present practice in The Netherlands Future improvements
Non-residents in the supplementary table on pensions
Non-residents in the supplementary table on pensions Considerations 1. TCG: non-residents only if relevant 2. Definition resident/non-resident 3. Overall percentage of non-residents 4. Different arrangements, different assumptions 5. Balancing the reconciliation
Non-residents in the supplementary table on pensions ESER 2010 Resident and non-resident units; total economy and rest of the world 1.61 The total economy is defined in terms of resident units. A unit is a resident unit of a country when it has a centre of predominant economic interest on the economic territory of that country — that is, when it engages for an extended period (one year or more) in economic activities on this territory. The institutional sectors referred to in paragraph 1.57 are groups of resident institutional units.
Non-residents in the supplementary table on pensions Present practice Non-residents 2015 based on premiums (%) % source Pension funds under supervision 1,9 supervision insured pension arrangements 2,0 Early retirement pensions 0,0 assumption direct payment military pensions state pensions 3,6 nat.accounts
Non-residents in the supplementary table on pensions Present practice Non-residents based on premiums 2012-2015 (%) pension funds insurers 2012 1,5 2,8 2013 1,7 2,1 2014 1,9 2015 2,0
Non-residents in the supplementary table on pensions Future improvements Non-residents present vs new source 2015 (%) present source new source premiums benefits pension reserve pension funds 1,9 0,4 2,3 0,1 insurers 2,0 0,0 new source PFS premiums: industry pension funds new source INS premiums and benefits: no reports new source PFS pension reserve: company pension funds not consistent with premiums and benefits
Non-residents in the supplementary table on pensions