Lesson 3: Absolutism in Europe Chapter 18 Europe 1550-1715 Lesson 3: Absolutism in Europe
Social Women Most aristocratic women could find recognition only as Catholic nuns Men Served the king in whatever needed to be done. King Louis XIV had absolute control over Europe.
Political King Louis XIV was a monarch He was the highest rank of leader there could be He ruled over all of Europe
Interaction Between Humans and the Environment Huge land mass was farmed by king Louis's command. Homes were being built Towns burned because of the king’s say
Cultural Religion was under the monarch rule Organized religion remained important under absolutism but lost its independence of government. Instead of dominating politics, as they had done earlier, churches - Protestant and Catholic alike - now tended to become government agencies. Even in Catholic countries, such as France, the king exerted more political control over the church than did the pope.
Economic "Mercantilism" is the name given by late 19th-century historians to the politico economic system of the absolute state from approximately the 16th to the 18th centuries. As the economic aspect of state absolutism, mercantilism was of necessity a system of state-building, of big government, of heavy royal expenditure, of high taxes, of inflation and deficit finance, of war, imperialism, and the aggrandizing of the nation-state